Chapter 62 - Proposal

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"Now tell me what's wrong? Why you wanted to meet me so urgently?" Jim releases.

I think I should say him about that. I'm feeling too edgy even by the thought of proposing him for marriage. But I want to. I need to clear this thing. Right now I'm dressed just in my loose full sleeved compy t-shirt and pajama. I don't have any ring or flower with me. I think it's not necessary to propose with flowers or ring. God! help me. For a bit there remains an interval of messy awkward silence in between as he keeps looking at me without saying anything while I'm wondering how to start. The next moment I bend on my knees while he stands shocked. "Will you marry me?"
 I forward my hand demanding his on mine. He doesn't move nor he says anything. My heartbeats getting faster, will he reject? Didn't think of this before? Is he getting angry? So many questions running on my mind to which I have no answer. What is he thinking? He's just staring at me. I am unable to read this expression of his. My heart is falling apart. This is a feeling of being distant and apart which is too strong to bear.

"Eila", he finally breaks his silence. No, I don't wanna hear anything next. I'm afraid what he'll say. "You came to say this?" Is he not happy?

"Hmm", I am finding it hard to let my voice out. Tears are getting jammed at a corner of my eyes which I am trying hard to hold back. He's not happy! He never thought of marrying me. 

"Then whom do you think I'll marry if that's not you", he chuckles. 

"Huh?" I am getting confused.

"Silly!" He bends this time and holds my already forwarded palm with both his hands. "Yes". 

"What Yes?"

"My reply to your question", as usual a Robo. But did he just say this! As soon as his words are out, all my reserved tears start falling in full stream. The past few moments, I experienced the most deadliest silence of my life. I can't even explain what all thoughts came in my mind. I immediately jump upon him as I hug him as tight as I can and he does with the same passion. I kiss each and every part of his face cupping them with my hands while he wipes off my tears. 

"Why are you crying?"

"I though you'll reject", my voice is still shaky.

"How can you even think like that?"

"I don't know", I was really stupid to think such. "I'm sorry". He just hugs me. "Why you wanted to ask this today? All on a sudden", Jim questions.

"It's just I thought I should." That's pretty complicated to explain. "But first we need to complete our graduation".

"Hmm", he nods and I cuddle again after which he kisses me hard on my lips which I elatedly give back burying myself into him. This one is electric! As his lips linger on mine I suddenly remember to ask about Jennifer. "Your Mom is asleep right?" I ask breaking our contact.

"She's not home", he chuckles.

"What?" She's not home and I climbed the window! "Really?" I make a tired face.

"Yes. She's at Sam's place today. You could have easily come through the door", he slightly gives a lift to his shoulders.

"I didn't know that. Ahhhh", I get up making a face and lie straight on his bed as I'm really tired. I am so stupid! "What were you doing by the way?" I notice his phone beside me and take hold of it. As I turn it on I find that he was seeing my photos on instagram. So Robo was stalking me. I can't resist myself from laughing, "You were stalking me?"

"I was not", he lies down beside me. "I was just seeing".

"Yeah yeah, that means stalking", I laugh again. But that's cute right? Anyway I'm feeling way too sleepy right now for which I let out a yawn.

"You're sleepy?" He asks upon noticing.

"Yeah", I rub my eyes.

"Then lie properly and sleep". Huh? He means to sleep here!


"If not here then where".

"But how can I? I need to get back home", what if auntie finds out.

"It's already 12 at night. I don't think you should go now", Jim comes forward.

"I have to. John or auntie will be really angry if they find out", I explain.

"Ask Emi to cover for you". To be honest I don't wanna go right now. I guess I'll sleep over here. I dial Emi's number to call her from Jim phone.


"Eila. You reached? I was so worried.You didn't even take your phone. Where are you right now? Are you okay?" Oh oh! So many questions at once.

"Emi. I'm alright. I'm with Jim. I am not coming tonight. I'm really tired and I wanna sleep. please you and Rochelle cover for me".

"Ohh okay okay don't worry we will", it's Rochelle's voice. So Emi's phone is on speaker I guess. "By the way, are you planning to just sleep or..", she starts again.

"Shut up. I'm cutting the call. Bye,"

"Wait wait, you talked to Jim", Emi asks.

"Yeah. I'll tell you tomorrow. Now bye".

"Bye", I cut the call while Robo keeps smiling at me. "Don't you wanna sleep?"

"Yeah", he places both the pillows properly on bed and lie down. I keep his phone on the small table beside the bed and turn off the light to lie beside him. Well, it's not the first time we're sleeping together. God, this makes me blush. For a bit we both just keep lying straight without uttering a single word after which I finally slide near him and place my hand and leg over him to grab him tight, making him my comfortable pillow.

"What are you doing?" He laughs.

"Nothing. I'm just making myself comfortable", I gush. It's my habit to sleep like this. He slides his one hand beneath my head and wraps the other over me. Now I'm lying on his arm. "Good night Robo".

"Sleep tight".

"And don't let the bedbugs bite", we both grin after which I press a soft kiss on his lips. "I hope everything will be like this. Forever".

"They will be", he says but suddenly I feel to stop the time right here. I don't want tomorrow's morning. I don't want this time to get away. The reason is unknown but my heart is sinking deep down in an unknown world of melancholy. What if the morning gets different for us? What if we don't remain the same us in the morning? I have no idea why I'm thinking such. I guess when you find too much happiness at once, there always remains a fear of losing them. Amidst all this running thoughts I don't know when I finally fell asleep.

The alarm rings and I see it's 6 in the morning. I need to rush back home. "Jim wake up", I try to wake him up. When he finally does, "It's 6. I need to get back home."

"Yeah", he sits up on bed and stretches his arms. 

(I took a long time to update. Sorry for this. Really sorry. It's a triple update guysss. Check out the next two chaps to find out the twist.)

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