Chapter 74 - 1st Chemo

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2 Days Later

It's our turn to enter Alen's cabin. "Hello", an aged man warmly greets us as we enter.

"Hello", we greet upon sitting.

"Eila right?" He faces me for a bit and then his eyes shift to the computer screen in front of him.


"Rebecca told me about you. I received your medical history. So how are you feeling now? All's good", he slightly shifts on his chair and faces us.

"I'm good", I reply in a soft voice.

"She'll get well right?" Jim asks from beside.

"You are?"

"Boyfriend", I reply on his behalf.

"Oh. Don't worry. We'll start the chemotherapy from tomorrow. She'll be fine", Alen grins.

"How long will the treatment take?" Jim asks.

"It depends. Actually", his eyes again shift to the computer screen. "Her reports are a bit complicated. I hope she gets well just by receiving the chemotherapies. But in case her body does not respond well to the chemo, then we might need to do a bone marrow transplant."

"Bone marrow transplant?"

"Yeah. But I don't think we'll need that. Hopefully the chemotherapies will work", he smiles.

"But in case if we need that, what about the donor?" Jim questions.

"This can be someone from her family. Family member suits the best. But don't worry about that. Let's see how the chemotherapies effect her body. I hope we'll get positive response". Alen pauses. "Okay. So come tomorrow morning at 10 for reveiving your first chemo. I'll write the appointment and medicines." Soon he passes us a paper with the appointment and medication details and we head out of the hospital.

None of us say anything further. Jim and I just keep walking along the busy road with a gap between us. I wonder what for? "Robo", I stop him and he turns back to face me. "Let's sit for a while on that bench", I point to the empty bench in the garden beside the road.

"Okay", and we both head near to sit on the bench and look at other couples in front of us. So many shades of life. Who knows they even they might be dealing with problems like us. Everyone's life is different.

What happened?" I hold his palm.

"Nothing", as usual in his Robotic tone. "They look so happy right? Seems like no problem, no worries", his eyes are focused on the people in front of us.

I face him for a bit and then look front, "We might think everything's perfect in the lives of others. But as we go closer we'll realize their lives are no different than ours. It's all a whole living mess", I give a void grin. He doesn't say anything further. Jim just states at me and so do I.

I break the silence, "Alen said that everything will be alright. Don't worry". I hope this turns true.

"Eila", he comes near to cup my face and looks straight into my eyes.
"It's not that I can't live without you. The thing is I don't want to live without you".
His words keep buzzing in my ear. What did I do to deserve him? I can feel the pain in his eyes and the fear behind his words. But there is nothing I can do about this. I hug him. I just hug him with all of me. I wish I could stay like this. Forever!

.   .   .

I wonder what the chemo feels like, does it pain or not! I am feeling nervous as time is passing. "Are you nervous?" Emi asks as she's sitting beside me. Yes, all came today. My family and of course my Robo.

"Hmm", I don't lie.

"Eila D'Souza", soon after I hear a nurse calling my name coming out of the chemo room.


"Come inside and only one person can stay with you", the nurse goes after stating.

"I think it would be better if auntie stays with her", Jim suggests and I think that would be better.
Before entering I the therapy room I go near him when he presses a soft kiss on my forehead without letting anyone notice this. "Stay strong".

"Hmm", I turn away to go.

My heart is racing fast as the nurse approaches near with the trolly which contains many injections and medicines. I am afraid of injections. "Injections are necessary?" I ask

"Yeah. This way we'll give the therapy", the nurse states. Her name reads Hannah as I see in her nameplate.

"Don't worry", aunty calms me.

Soon Hannah prepares the injections and takes the opposite side of my palm. So she's gonna inject here! This one's gonna pain more. I am getting goosebumps. I'm not ready for this. But now it's too late. Rubbing some sanitizer, Hannah injects a needle with cannula pipe. I bite my lips to avoid screaming and the pain eventually passes away. Next she injects the injections one after another and then gives the saline connecting it with the cannula. I feel sharp pain running down my veins which is too much to bear. I never thought it to be such. It's paining, burning. But I don't act. I stay still since I need to bear thia to get well and bring my life back to normal.

"How are you feeling?" Auntie asks as she's sitting on the chair beside my bed.

"I'm good", I lie. I think I should better sleep and pass this time as the saline is running is a really slow pace. And soon I fall asleep.

"Eila. Eila wake up. It's over", I open my eyes as auntie states only to find that the chemo is over. Finally! But I'm not feeling good. I feel nauseatic.

"I can go home now?" I ask.

"Yes you can", Hannah answers with a grin. After she's done removing the cannula and all I get up to head out. John had already gone to his office while Jim and Emi are still waiting. They come near as I go out. "Are you fine?" Emi asks.

"Hmm", is all I reply. I feel to throw up but I suppress it somehow till we reach back home.

After we get home I immediately rush upstairs in my room to throw out all that is in me. I hate this feeling. I wash my face and freshen up. "Are you okay?" Jim followed me all the way here.

"Hmm", I think it's over now. I come out of the washroom and go down with him when I see Jennifer arranging plates with auntie. "When did she came?" I ask Jim.

"I don't know".

"Eila. How are you feeling now?" Jennifer leaves the plate and comes near me as I was heading to the kitchen counter to meet her.

"I'm good. When did you come?"

"Just a while back. You must be hungry. I cooked and brought food for you all. I knew you all were busy at the hospital." That really sweet of her. I can't thank her enough for this.

"Thank you so much", I give her a soft hug.

"Come on. We are family. Now come and sit you all." And we all sit on the chairs around the dining table. Auntie serves me the soup first but I am unable to have any of the foods. I'm not feeling good. I think I'm gonna vomit again. I somehow just have 3 spoons and immediately rush upstairs to throw myself. I feel so sorry and guilty as Jennifer made these with so much of love yet I am unable to have any of these. After I get out of the washroom I see Jennifer waiting outside for me.
"I'm sorry. I'm feeling too nauseatic."

"It's okay. I can understand. But you need to have something. You can't stay like this", she forces.

"Not now. I'll eat later. I'm afraid that I'm gonna throw again", even my body is falling weak. " I want to sleep for sometime."

"Okay. Come", she helps me lie on my bed and soon I fall asleep.

(It's a triple update and shower love as much as I can since it's gonna end within the next 10 days (´;︵;')  I can't explain my emotions right now. Let me know if u r gonna miss Eila and Jim like I am.)

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