Chapter 46 - A Little Feeling

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There's sky has grown darker and screaming wild along with the thunder storm. It sounds like whistles as the wind moves around the house patting the wooden walls. The wind is playing a spectral flute with a single note as it brushes past the house sounding almost ghostlike. It rained heavily all while which now turned into snowfall. 

"You noticed one thing?"

"What?" I ask facing him.

"Life's not always like merry-go-round", there's a deep implication in his tone. "I was behind you all the way, we were distant and apart", his eyes meets mine. "But we finally crossed paths and.. I found you", this time there's a broad smile on my face as he hugs me more tight. 

"Hey, I forgot to ask one thing", he bows his face to look at me while I'm lying on his arms. "What?"

"Emi was always there in the inn, then who told you that she went out?" Shit! I just forgot about this. But.. I don't know what to say. I avoid my gaze with him as I'm not sure in Winnie did it purposely or she really saw Emi going out and all. "Eila".

"Yeah", I look at at him, "It was Winnie", for a moment we both get silent. "I think there's some misunderstanding".

"We need to clear this out tomorrow."

"Hmm", I hug him tight.

"One thing, I wanted to ask. There are rashes on your back!" Rashes?

"What kind of rash?" I try to take a look turning my head but I can't see properly.

"Red rashes."

"I don't know. Maybe due to the weather or something", I finally think of a reason since I don't have any allergy or any disease.  "We should see a doctor", he suggests.

"That's not needed. It's some some skin rash. It will go automatically."

"What if it's something else?" There's a visible sign of concern on his face.

"It's nothing. Stop worrying. Just a skin reaction. I'm really sleepy. Good night".

"Sleep tight. but we'll visit a doctor after we go back in Virginia", he sounds serious.

"Oookkayyy Robo. And always stay with me, alright?" He kisses my temple as a response.

.  .  .

It's nearly 6:30 in the morning, I give a quick look at the wall clock after I open my eyes. It stormed heavily last night but this morning is speaking otherwise. The morning rays are coming past the glass windows, glittering up his already ethereal phiz. For a moment I feel like doing nothing and just stare at him, watching him sleep beside me. This morning ray is reminding me all the moments we have left behind and came till this end. Who thought that morning, I first saw him, will change my life this way? I always believed, you get only pain in return of loving someone until I realized this is the most beautiful feeling. I was always running away from love, from this much attachment with anyone, but when he came, things started taking upturn. I kissed him the very next day we met, I don't know how, but we did. That was the first change in me. My demography for love and relations turned around. And slowly I fell for him, not knowing how, when. My lips curved into an automatic smile.

That was a little feeling, a little bit strong.
My plain, ordinary life changed into something momentous.
Like being gently occupied, surrounded by the warmth, my story was trembled by destiny.
He slowly melted me into his eyes and I wanna go farther with him.
I cognize, we need to encourage our courage to make up promises and shine like the starlights.

 Giving a soft rub on his face with my palm, I press a gentle kiss on his temple before getting out of the bed and pick my clothes from the wooden rack I left last night for drying, not to mention my crop top, pant and woolen sweater. Lauren already gave us two spare tooth-brushes last day, brushing my teeth, I take a shower and dress in my earlier clothes. Going out of the room, the first person I see is Lauren, cleaning the porch as the storm got piles of dirt and water logged on it. "Morning", I wish her rubbing both my hand.

"Hey, good morning", she smiles back still sweeping the porch. "The storm was really a strong one last night".

"Indeed. But today's nice. The sun's also shining brightly."

"After storm effect", she greplies in a jiffy to which I chuckle. "Yeah", I wanted to ask her for something but I'm not sure how to do that. "Lauren, I wanted to ask for something?"

"Sure. What do you need?" She stands upright approaching near me.

"Umm.. I just wanted to know if you have contraceptive pills?" I blurt out avoiding my awkwardness. Moment later she chuckles, "What's there to be so awkward at this. Come on, it's a common things and I faced this many times. I mean, with those who come here", I just press a soft smile on my face rubbing the back of my neck, not knowing what to say. "Come with me. I'm giving you", I follow her near the kitchen, beside the counter, a small table is there. She brings out a medicine box from the drawer and passes me the contraceptive pills and a glass of water.

"Thanks", I have the pill. "I'll make banana pancakes. You like them?" She asks as she puts on her floral printed apron.

"Yeah, I really love pancakes. Let me help you", I offer which she gladly welcomes. "You peel the bananas and slice them", I do as said after which Lauren makes the pancakes and I make the caramel with the bananas. After we are done I go to our room to check if Jim's awake or not and I don't find him on the bed, there's sound of running water from the bathroom. He's taking shower I guess. In the meantime I keep our last nights clothes, which Lauren gave us, in the laundry basket and make the bed. I wait for him sitting at a side of our bed, but I'm suddenly feeling nauseatic. I head towards the bathroom and knock on the door when he open it and I rush near to throw out. After I'm done I gargle and wash my face while he keeps patting my back, concern visible on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just took contraceptive pills", I guess it was a reaction of the pills.

"I'm sorry", there's guilt on his face.

"No. You don't have to say sorry", I hold his hands giving an assuring smile and finally realize he's not wearing his shirt, just the jeans. "Put on your shirt and jacket, we'll leave after breakfast". I head out of the washroom followed by him. After he's ready we head towards the dining hall, greet Robert and enjoy our breakfast while they mention about all the past storms in this place. Once their antenna even fell off due to the storms but luckily the one of last night was not that strong, I mean as per them since they have witnessed much stronger storms than I did, yet The one of last night was really very strong as per me. Death was sure if was stayed out last night amidst the storm. After a lapse of almost an hour, it's our time to leave.

"It was really nice having you both", Robert exclaims. "If you again come here, then don't forget to visit us", Lauren hugs me with a smile while I respond back.

"Sure, you'll have to make meatloafs for me", I chuckle. "And extra for you".

"We have to go", Jim reminds. "Bye and thanks for everything".

"Come one. Take care on the way", Lauren bids and here we go. Back on our way.

.  .  .

We finally reached back in our inn. I'm kind of ready to face the wrath of teachers for being irresponsible. Though Mrs. Kate gives us a warm hug stating how tensed she was for us last night, while Collin and Mr.Lee starts as expected, we shouldn't have been this much irresponsible, who would've taken the responsibility if anything happened to us. "We are really sorry", I say on our behalf, "It was my fault".

"No, it was me", Jim defends and I give a look at him since it was not his fault rather mine.

"I don't care whose fault it was. The fact is, you both behaved irresponsibly", Mr.Lee says in a louder tone.

"We are really sorry. We don't do this again", Jim apologizes.

"I hope you'll keep your words", Collin says remaining calm. "Go and pack everything, we'll leave in an hour". Finally! 

(Hey. I wanted to ask something. Do you find it boring now? I mean, I know, I'm taking things slow since I wanna cover each and every aspect of their life. How they bond, their growing feeling and all, since only then we'll realize the actual worth of their story, in order to give a beautiful and meaningful ending. Do let me know what you feel. Your suggestion means the most. Trust me there are many interesting, in fact life changing things coming ahead. I already mentioned, this story is more than just a story. So I'm taking it ahead in that way. )

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