Chapter 66 - Everything's Over

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I see Winnie entering the door. Immediately I rush to her picking my bag from the table. Holding her hand I take her out and head to the terrace of this building. "Eila what are you doing?" She tries to let go of her hand when I finally release and ask, "What happened yesterday?"

"What?" She asks.

"You know what I mean. What was Jim doing at the bar? Why is he ignoring me? What happened yesterday?" I ask again but she stays silent with a void look on her face. "Tell me. Please".

"Look Eila", she pauses. "Don't you really know what happened?"

"No. I don't know", I say in a loud voice.

"You really don't know what you dad did to his father?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I am getting confused.

"Jonas D'Cruz", she speaks the name and I get frozen. "Jonas D'Cruz is his dad", my breath sticks  in my throat as she utters. 

"No", my voice is shaky.

"He committed suicide because your fraud father framed him in a false case", she blames and I stand still with my breath racing more fast. My mind is turning blank. This can't be true. I am failing to come up with words. Fate can't be this much harsh. Jonas is his father!

"Jim hates David. Jim hates each and every person related to David D'Souza and this includes you", I feel my soul just got detached from my body. I can't even think of him hating me. No!

"This can't be true. Winnie no." I cry. I cry hard, "No", my voice is shaking with pain and fear of losing him at the same time. "Winnie. No".

"This is true", she peeks into my eyes while I am breaking. Each and every bit of me is breaking down. My body is getting warm, by blood is burning and my heart is tearing apart. "I got to know about this at the amusement park. When Jim came near the coffee booth, I was there. Your father talked to him and hearing him I felt there's something he's hiding which Jim should know." That night!

"After Jim's gone, I talked to your dad when I got to know his name. I heard the name of David a few times from my dad. The name sounded familiar. At first I thought it to be just a coincidence but yet I was doubtful. I called my  to find out more about this when I finally got to know the truth", she exclaims.

"You knew?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's true that you snatched him from me but this was not any personal revenge. Jim has the right to know about the killer of his dad. I saw you at his home that day. You already met his Mom. I can't explain you how I felt!" She sounds painful while my tears are still rolling down.

"That was enough. I had to tell him which I did yesterday at the bar. You don't know what was his condition upon hearing the same. He was all broken. I handled him", she explains while I feel I am miles apart from him. This distance can never be bridged. Even the tiniest of me is breaking. 

"You snatched him from me and see what happened!" There's anguish in her eyes but right now I feel nothing. "He hates you", her words are throbbing my head. "I know life's never fair. Just like it was not fair with me when he loved you and rejected me", Winnie's voice is painful. I have nothing to say. I wish it was all just a bad dream. Winnie turns away to go before which she says, "Jim shouldn't have come to Virginia".

As she's gone I'm still standing when I finally fall on my knees and let out all my tears. I cry as hard as I can with the thought of not having him beside me again. He hates me! He really hates me! But he is not at fault. My dad is the one who snatched everything away from him and I'm related to this. I am related! I cry. I cry as much as I can. My dream was not just a mere dream. Every single thing is right. I can't run away from my pst. I can never have the ones I love. God snatched everything from me. Everything! 
My whole world turned upside down in just a split second. He'll never talk to me again. I can never have him beside me again. Everything's gone. My vision is getting blurred. It's only his image I can see in front of me before my eyes get closed.

Jim's POV : 

I bring out my wallet from the drawer and look at the picture of me and Eila from the amusement park. For a bit I feel nothing is changed. Everything's same. The next moment my eyes land on my family photo on the other side and I can never forget that. I throw my wallet which hits the wall hard. I sit holding my head as my heart's racing faster. Everything changed yesterday.


I should call Eila. We have to go to the hospital today. As I bring out my phone I see there's a call. It's Winnie. 

"Hello", I say upon answering.

"Jim. You said you'll meet me today", Winnie states.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I have to go with Eila today. What's the matter? Tell me over phone".

"I can't. We have to meet. It's really important. There's something you need to know", what does she mean?

"About what?"

"It's something related to your dad", as soon as her words are out I can't resist myself anymore. "It's related to his suicide", what? 

"Where should I come?" I ask immediately. 

"At the street bar". I hang up and immediately grab my wallet to head out.

After I reach I find Winnie sitting on a chair in front of the counter. I approach near when she sees me, "You came!"

"What's the matter?" I am getting restless.

"Sit first", she offers but right now I am not in a state to do formality.

"Be straight to the point".

"See for yourself", she hand me a file. I open it when I see it's the project file of Midas and the list of investors. "The person who framed your dad", she turns the page and I read the name 'David D'Souza'. I already know this. But... my eyes shift to the picture attached beside this name. This man seems familiar. I have seen him before. As my thoughts are racing I stand still upon realizing who he is. No! This can't be true.

"Yes. He is David D'Souza. Eila's father. The man who destroyed your family. Jonas committed suicide because of him", her words are racing in my mind. My whole body is getting frozen. I feel I'm losing a bit of me in each passing moment. I hate David D'Souza. I hate each and every single thing, each and every single person related to him. But how can I hate Eila! I feel my memories with her are getting washed away by the storm of the truth. Everything's seeming indifferent. All I can think of is dad, his death and the man behind it. 

"Jim", Winnie holds my hand. "Sit down", and I do the same. I am reminiscing my memories with dad and at the same time the moments I spent with Eila but right now, I feel everything's gone. My whole world turned upside down. I can't hate her but still I can't forget what's her relation with David. My mind's racing fast. My heart beat is getting faster. I don't know what to do, what to say, how to react. Everything is changed. I don't even feel like crying. I feel lost. 

I take hold of the wine in front of me.

Flashback ends

I know I am ignoring her. But what can I do? Everything changed in just a split second. I can't hate Eila but yet I can't face her. Something is stopping me. I don't even want to reminisce our moments together. I know what she must be feeling right now or maybe I don't but I can't help it. I don't have any control on me. Everything's just getting out of my hand. I can't forget what David did and I can never forgive. Somehow Eila's still related to him and I can't deny this.

(So tell me your views guyssss.)

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