Chapter 1: Off to Battle...Again.

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I woke up, eyes wide, drawing in a deep breath.

"NAT!" I called out. It was the last thing I remember, Nat stood over me, watching in horror as I turned to dust.

"Nat?" I yelled. I turned to see Wanda and Bucky walking towards me.


"Bucky!" I cried as I stood up and ran over to him. "You... you turned to dust...I..I tuned to dust, what's going on? Where is everyone? Where's Steve...and Nat?"

"I...I don't know, I just woke up and heard you scream, I had to make sure you were OK." He told me as he pulled me into his arms. I looked around to see everyone who was fighting Thanos and was dusted was back and looking around confused.

"Evie!" I heard my adoptive sister cry as she stood up and rushed my way.

"Wanda!" I called as I left Bucky's arms and ran to her.

"Are you OK?"

"I..I think so." I told her.

"Come on, we need to see if everybody is OK." Wanda instructed and I nodded, following behind her, Bucky doing the same.

We found Sam, uncle Rhodey, Shuri, T'challa and so many others as we made out way to the now destroyed city.

"I have tried, but I can't reach anybody on the team, do you think..." Sam began but was interrupted by a guy appearing out of no where.

"You team are fine." He told us as he moved passed us and up to a high looking mounting of rubble.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" he called out to the people sat around us. "My name is Dr Stephen Strange, I was fighting along side Mr Stark and Mr Lord when Thanos used the infinity stones" I stiffened at the mention of my dad.

"Right now, as we speak what is, or was left of the Avengers are fighting Thanos, once again and they need our help. They need everyone, and I do mean everyone's help on the battle field."

"Who's left, who are the Avengers that survived the snap?" I called out. Dr Strange Looked over at me, a little annoyed I might add and answered me.

"Stark, Banner, Romanoff, Barton Rogers, Thor and Scott Lang."

"What...what happened to Peter Parker, he was with my dad...was he dusted too, or was he killed." I asked as I took a step forward.

"No, Mr Parker was dusted, he and the others who were with us are preparing for the fight, as you all should too." He told me. I let out a sigh of relief as I nodded and let him continue. "In a matter of minutes, I will open portals, many of them, that will allow you to cross over and into the battle field at the right moment." With that he disappeared.

"So, we all turn to dust after losing a fight to Thanos to wake up and fight him again?" Sam wondered out loud. I looked around and saw just how many people were left over. Not as many as there were but I expect most that were left were back fighting again.

It wasn't until now I had realised just how different Wakanda had been fixed up. It wasn't broken and battle zone-ish anymore, it was pretty much exactly how it was before the battle began.

"How long do you think we were gone?" I asked as I looked about.

"I have no idea." Bucky shrugged.

Just then a whole lot of green glowing holes appeared and I jumped as Dr Strange walked on through.

"Those of you who are fighting, step though." He instructed. I stood up, not really bothered who else was coming, I just wanted to get back to my dad and Peter.

"Be ready, the instant you step through, you'll be entering the battle." Strange warned us. He did some strange hand gesture and all out weapons appeared in front of us. I took a hold of mine and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

"Stick with me kid," Bucky instructed. "I have a feeling this one will be worse than the last."

"How could it be any worse." I huffed as I stepped though.

I was right, of course, we stepped into the battle and almost immediately I was fighting another alien kind of thing. I managed to get a quick glimpse at my surroundings and I was surprised to see just how many portals Strange had opened and how many people where fighting.

There were people flying around, people fighting on almost every inch of the ground and it was so much worse than I could have imagined.

"One your left!" I heard Sam call as he passed my uncle Steve who was fighting some alien dude.


"Go find them kid, just be careful." He told me as he fought off another alien. I ran, fast, shooting my arrows at whatever I could. I spotted Clint, in a bit of trouble and I loaded an arrow, aimed at the dudes head and fired, shooting right between the eyes. I watched as Clint looked around shocked and when his eyes landed on me he looked panicked and surprised.

"Evie, behind you!" He called. I pressed the button on my bow, letting it turn into a Staff as I turned quickly and struck the alien dude in the head, then the legs then the stomach before I held out my hand and used my blaster to blast it away.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Clint grinned as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey uncle Clint." I smiled. I saw another guy run at us as we hugged and I lifted my hand and used my blaster once again.

"Where's my dad, Peter and Nat?" I asked as I looked around.

"I..Nat...she...." Clint stuttered.

"She what?" I asked confused, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach.

"Peanut, I'll tell you later, right now we need to keep fighting." He ordered and I did. I fought, the hardest I have ever fought before. I just wanted to get to my dad but I just could find him anywhere.

The Daughter of Tony Stark 2: When The Dust SettlesWhere stories live. Discover now