Chapter 22: The Last Will And Testament Of Anthony Stark

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Wednesday came around pretty quick and after school Pete and I rushed home where we changed into Smart looking clothes, at mums required...well orders really, as this was to be an official business meeting.

After jumping in the shower I dried my hair and pulled on a simple black pencil skirt that came to just above the knee, a white blouse, the top two buttons undone (but not in a slutty way, in a I mean business kind of way) and a black blazer to match the skirt. I slipped on a pair of black stilettos and put my hair into a sleek ponytail.

"Wow, really rocking the 'Pepper Potts' look." My mum joked as she stood in my door way.

"They say be who you look up to." I grinned as I picked up my red lipstick and ran it over my lips.

"That's sweet." She smiled.

"Wait, what are you doing here? I thought Pete and I were meeting you at SI?" I asked as I finished off my outfit and walked towards her.

"I was on my way back from a meeting, figured I'd pick you up on the way." She smiled.

"So, how do I look?" I asked giving my mum a quick turn. "Ready for a business meeting?"

"You look great honey. Come on, let's go." She chuckled.

I followed her out of my room and down stairs to find Peter and May waiting.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I walked over.

"Well hello miss business woman." May emailed as she pulled me into a hug.

"You look hot." Pete called making me laugh.

"You look hot too baby." I smiled as I walked over to him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"You ready?" He asked placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah, that's go." I smiled. I took a step towards the door when I stopped.

"One second." I muttered as I kicked my shoes of an made my way back to my room, picking up my ring and running back to my family.

"What did you forget?" Mum asked and I slipped the ring on and held my hand up.

"My ring." I smiled.

"I see." May smirked, sending me a wink.

We all left the apartment and walk down to the car where we all climbed in.

The drive to SI was quiet, mostly i was just trying to figure out what the hell this meeting was about.

Once we arrive at SI we climbed out of the car and mum lead us straight to a huge room, wall to wall with glass windows and a large table in the middle.

"Mrs. Stark, your lawyers are here." my mums assistant called as she opened the door.

"OK, sent them in." She smiled. The next this you know, three older men came walking in and sat on the table across from Peter and I. Mum and May sitting on the ends.

"Miss Stark, Mr Parker. Thank you for coming." One of the lawyers said as he opened his brief case and pulled out a file.

"So we asked you here today because we have a hold of the last will and testament of one Anthony Stark." The second lawyer spoke and my eyes widened.

I wasn't prepared for this, I thought we had gotten all this stuff out of the way.

"What, no, we already did that." I stammered.

"Actually honey, we didn't it turns out those papers we went into your dads lab for, it was his will."

"But..I..we.." I stuttered, but relaxed when Peter grabbed me hand.

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