Chapter 28: Moving Day

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"Wow, it sure is empty in here." I heard Wanda say as I packed up my last box of photographs.

"Yeah, I never realized how big it was until now." I laughed, turning to see her stood, leaning on the door frame.

"Bucky and Sam are waiting." She smiled, walking over and picking up the last box.

"I'm just gonna check around, make sure I have everything." I told her.

Walking around my now empty bedroom and lab, I couldn't help but think back to when I first moved in here. My dad would call me up every night to make sure I was going OK and wish me good nights. I would hide out in my lab when I wasn't in school or with Pete.

Once I had made sure I had everything I walk down stairs to find Bucky and Sam talking to Wanda, Bucky holding the box Wanda had brought down.

"Hey guys." I called out.

"Hey doll." Bucky greeted as he pulled me into a side hug with his spare arm.

"You excited for the big move?" Sam asked, as I walked over and hugged him.

"I'm excited. Big step."

Buck, Wanda and Sam all chuckled as I looked around the living room. I spotted a photo sitting on the mantelpiece and I smiled. It was a photo of me, Nat Wanda and mum, taken what seems like a million years ago.

It had been the day Wanda moved into the avengers training compound with the rest of the team and I. I'd been nervous about meeting her, I had broken into dad's files and read up on her and while I was nervous, it wasn't because I was afraid of her, it was because she would be the youngest of the avengers, closest to my age and I wanted her to feel like she belonged. She had spent her life with nobody but her brother by her side who she lost in a fight.

Smiling at the photo I turned around and threw myself at my sister.

"I'm gonna miss you Wanda, thank you for staying with me after... Everything." I whispered into her ear.

"I'll miss you too little sister. Don't worry, when ever Peter is driving you insane, which he will do, you are welcome to come and stay here." she chuckled as she pulled away.

"OK, I resent that!" I heard a voice huffed from my...Well I guess now it's wanda's door. I turned to see Peter weeing so thing similar to me.

He had on a pear of grey sweats, a Midtown tech t-shirt and sneakers. I had on black sweats, an old Avengers training tank top and a flannel wrapped around my waist.

"My dad used to say that when ever we called him childish." I remember fondly, walking over to him I wrapped his arms around my waist, placing a hand on my ass.

"You all packed up and ready to go bugboy?" I asked, leaning up and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yep, everything is in the van, all ready for me to Move in with the love of my life." He grinned, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Gross." Sam mumbled.

"Hey, let me and my man be gross and in love. You're just salty no one loves you." I snapped at him, making everyone laugh. Sam just huffed and shook his head, walking out.

"I guess we're heading out." Bucky called after his friend.

"Mum and May are meeting us at the house, we'll follow behind in my car." I told Bucky who nodded.

"See you at the house." He smiled, hugging me and then followed off behind Sam, calling him out for being a baby.

"You ready?" Peter asked and I nodded up at him. I gave Wanda one last hug before Pete and I left, walking down the hall, the stairs and outside to my car, waiting out front.

The drive to the new house was filled with chatting and singing along to the radio, laughing as we looked back on our time together and talked about what we wanted in the future.

As we pulled up to the address given I was speechless. I had seen the photos of the house but this was the first time I had seen it in person and it was nothing like seeing it in the photo. It was incredible.

"Wow, this" Peter gasped as we pulled into the drive way.

"I know, right?" I gawked. We climbed out of the car and over to Sam and Bucky who were taking boxes inside.

"No, we got this, go, inside and see your mum and Aunt." Bucky ordered as we went to pick up a box. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a box anyway, peter too, and we took it inside. Once inside I was some again breathless. The hall was white and grey, it was elegant and sophisticated but still modern and classic.

"Holy Stark this is awesome." I gasped when I saw the walls covered with photos of Pete, myself and our family's. There was a photo of mum and dad on there wedding day, some of dad and I growing up and a few with Pete and our friends and the Avengers.

"Wait until you see up here" I voice called and I placed the box on the floor and Pete and I walked upstairs through the white halls to the old room that was open where we found my mum and May unpacking our clothes.

"You know you don't have to do that? Right?"

"We know." May smiled kindly. I then walked over and hugged my mum, Pete hugging May.

"Well, thank you for the help." Peter chuckled. Once I pulled way I noticed the room around me.

It was Black, white and silver. The bed was a four post masterpiece that sat comfortably in the middle of the room. Photos and shelves sat on the walls and two doors on either side f the bed. One was the bathroom, in there everything was various shades of blue. The other door led to a giant walk in closet that was filled with all of mine and Peter's clothes and shoes.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

After a long day of unpacking and sorting through everything with mum and May, they soon left leaving Pete and I alone feeling a peace with our little lives.

"I love you." Pete told me out of nowhere as we were sat on the couch watching TV. I looked up at him and smiled wildly.

"I love you too baby." I whispered, leaning up to him and kissing him softly. The kiss soon became heated and...well, you can guess what happened next. We didn't even make it to the bedroom...the first time anyway.

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