Chapter 27: Graduation

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"Good Morning Miss Stark, the time is 8:30 am, the weather is sunny, with temperatures of 90°, Perfect for the big day." I heard F.R.I.D.A.Y Call as she woke me up.

"What have I told you about calling me 'Miss stark'" groaned as I sat up, stretching my arms above my head. I looked over to my side to see Peter stir and cover his head with a pillow. I let out a chuckle and shook my head at him.

"Not to?" She replied.

"Right, and what should you call me instead?"

"Boss, Boss Lady, Badass or Evie."

"Take you pick F.R.I.D.A.Y, And stick with it."

"Of course Boss." I let out a chuckled and smiled, "your shower is running and Mrs Stark and MJ will be arriving her at 10am."

"Great, thanks F.R.I"

"Anytime miss...Boss."

I looked over again to see Pete was looking up at me, peeking up from under the pillow.

"So...I should probably get up and head home huh?" Peter asked sitting up, I shrugged.

"Or, we could jump in the shower? you know, conserve water?" I offered, leaning into Pete's chest, looking up at his face.

"That sounds like a pretty good idea." He smirked, leaning down and kissing my nose. We both got out a bed and I playfully ran towards the bathroom, letting out a squeal when I felt Pete wrap his arms around me. His lips attracted to my neck as he pulled me close.

"Happy graduation day baby." He muttered in my ear.

"We growing up huh?" I laughed, turning around to face him.

"Getting older? Yeah, being given more responsibilities? Absolutely...but growing up? Us? Never." He smiled as he lent down and kissed me, softly.

After our shower escapades, Pete went home to get ready while I waited  for my mum and MJ to arrive. I pulled on a set of matching underwear, covered it up with a house coat then I dried my hair and curled it, putting it into a same what Sophisticated half up/half down do. I put on the pair of earrings Nat had given me, the necklace from and a necklace from dad and the bracelet from MJ. I had just slipped on the ring peter had given me when there was a knock at my door and in walked mum and MJ.

"Goid morning." MJ smiled, I turned and looked to see she was dressed up, her hair and make up done.

"Wow, look at you, all done up." I joked as I set on to doing my make up.

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it, this took forever." She laughed.

"So...I had a phone call this morning, May had gone to wake up Peter...only he was gone, do you know where he could have been?" Mum asked as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"No, I haven't a clue." I faked innocence. Mum however saw through that as she laughed and shook her head.

"I'm assuming he's gone home now?"

"Yeah, after he showered." I smiled, finishing off my make up.

I walked over to a garment bag that was hung in the back of the door. Inside was my dress for the day. It was simple. Black, with shoulder length sleeves, once on it hugged my figure perfectly, it was dressy and smart, it don't show too much cleavage so it was respectable. I slipped on a pair of black stilettos and took one look in the mirror.

"So, how do I look?" I asked the women sat on my bed, both smiled and me and began throwing compliments my way.

"Holy shit, you look awesome." MJ cheered.

"Very grown up." Mum smiled.

"Just what I was going for."I grinned.

The three of us left my bedroom and headed down stairs to find Pete, May and Ned sitting on the couch.

"You guys ready to go?" I called out. Pete turned towards me and smiled, wide.

"Wow, babe, you look amazing." He smiled as he stood up and walked over to me. He took me in his arms and pulled me close.

"Thanks, you look great too." I smiled. I wasn't lying, he look really handsome. He had on a suit, one that fit him perfectly. He also had on a pair of black converse which made me laugh a little.

"OK you two, let's get a photo real quick." May ordered pulling out her phone. Pete and I rolled our eyes at each other before turning around and smiling at the camera, Pete's arms wrapped around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder and I placed my arms on top of Pete's.

Once the photo had been taken, m insisted we left and take a few more later, in our cap and gowns.

Arriving at school the nerves kicked in and I felt my heart race. My hand gripped Pete's tight as we said out goodbyes to mum, MJ, May and Ned who went to find their seats.

Pete and I walked into the assigned room where all those graduating collected their cap and gowns. It wasn't long before we were all seated, Pete and I at the side as were were a last minute addition.

The ceremony it's self was quite boring and it lagged on, a lot. There were speeches, awards and pretty soon everybody was lined up ready to collect their diplomas. Pete and I stood at the back of the line that very slowly moved closer and closer. Until the last name of the senior class was called the principal stopped.

"We have two final graduates to come up and collect their diplomas, both students are remarkably gifted, each talented in many ways which has warranted their early graduation from Mid town tech and they start their next adventure, working hard at Stark Industries in a few weeks. I am excited and eager to see what your brilliant minds come up with, I wish you both luck with your future. So, Peter Parker." She called and Pete stepped up, took the diplomas, shook the principals hand and walked to the other side the the stage, waving a little to May, MJ, Ned and Mum who all cheered loud.

"Evelyn Grace Stark." I heard my name being called and I took a deep breath and walked towards the principal who smiled brightly.

"Congratulations miss Stark, you parents should be proud."

"Thank you." I smiled nervously at her. I shook her hand as she handed me the diploma and I continued my walk to the stage. I stopped and smiled, waving a little to my friends and family before walking of the stage.

Pretty soon the principal ended the ceremony and the students scattered into their own groups. I quickly found mine mum and May who took both Pete and I into their arms.

"Ok, photos." MJ called, holding up her phone. We took MANY photos before mum informed us we had reservations at a restaurant to celebrate, MJ and Ned included.

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