Chapter 4: The funeral of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff

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They say when somebody you love passes, the never really hits until the funeral. That is when life changes, when you realise you have to live on without them. My dad had to live the last five years of his life without me but in the end he got me back, only for me to lose him. 

For Pepper, she was saying her husband, her best friend and the father of her children. She was putting on a brave face, for Morgans sake and at first for mine but last night she broke. She had come into my room to check on me but when she saw me crying she let her walls down and cried her own tears, we cried together, told stupid stories of memories we had with dad and the things we're going to miss about him. 

Morgan was losing her dad, a dad she barely knew and I felt for her, I was about her age when I lost my mum and now, I hardly remember what she looked like anymore. Pepper and I had made a promise to make sure she never forgets him and what a complete and utter child he could be at times. 

Me, I wasn't just saying good bye to my dad, my best friend and the only family I had for most of my life. I was also saying goodbye to my aunt Nat too. My whole world had fallen completely when Clint told me what Nat had done and how they had done all this to get me, Peter and everyone they loved back. Clint said she did it for me, so I could live again and I hated her for it. I now have to live everyday without her or my dad to get me through it all. This was the worst day of my life and the people I usually looked to for comfort and support were the people we were saying goodbye too.

So there I was, sat on my bed, wearing my black dress, a pair of black tights and my black stiletto pumps, staring down at a photo of my dad, Nat and I that Pepper had taken on my 14th birthday. Tears streamed out of my face as I prayed to any and every god out there that this was all a horrible dream. That I'm gonna wake up any minute and hear my aunt called me to make sure I'm awake. That my dad will call my phone to tell me he was in the lab and just wanted to check on me. But this wasn't a dream, I knew that because the pain in my chest was too real to be anything but.

"Evie, honey it's time." My mum said from the door, I quickly wiped away my tears so she didn't see and took a deep breath before I turned around to see my mum and Morgan waiting. 

"Is everybody here?" I asked. She nodded and held put her hand, "come on baby, they're gonna need you today as much as we need them." she smiled sadly.

"I...I don't think I can do it. I can't watch that message, I can't see his face." I told her as I stood up and took her hand. 

"I know, I feel the same but it's gonna be OK because I have you and your sister beside me, getting my thought it." She told me as she squeezed my hand. I nodded and the three of us took a deep breath and walked down the stairs to meet all of the people who loved my dad and Nat as much as we did. 

Once down the stairs I let go of Peppers hand and walked over to Peter and just hugged him, tight.

"You OK?" He whispered. I shook my head but held in my tears knowing if I didn't stop them, they wouldn't stop coming.

"You're gonna be OK Evie, I'm here for you, Morgan and Pepper. We all are." He whispered softly I lifted my head and looked up at him, except I notice everybody was watching me. Even mum and Morgan. I smiled sadly, let go of Pete and walked over to mum again. 

"OK, let's do this." I told her, she nodded and grabbed my hand, leading Morgan and I to the sofa where we sat down, Me next to mum and Morgan on my knee.

For most of the services I just starred at the Iron man helmet that sat on a small table with a little photo of my dad. I kept my eyes fixed in it and watched as it flashed to life. 

"Hey Girls." My dad's voice spoke and I almost broke then and there. I felt mum put her hand on my knee and I knew she was feeling the same. 

"If you're watching this...well if you're watching this then I'm gone..." I paid no attention to want my dad's image was saying, I just listened to the sound of his voice, remembering. That was until I heard my name. 

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