Chapter 29: The New CEO of Stark Industries

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Well, here it is, the big day, that day I was to be taking over the family business and I was a nervous wreck. Of all the big things that had happened in my life the last couple months, graduation, Moving in with Pete, this was the biggest, most scariest thing to happen, so I wanted to just sit in silence on the car ride to SI, so Peter only held my hand, my legs crossed, one over the other. My leg bounced in anticipation.

"You're gonna do great Babe, I promise." Peter mumbled, squeezing my hand tighter.

"I know, I'm just nervous." I nodded.

My mum had managed to set up a press conference to introduce me to the world. But not only will the press be there, every single member of the SI company will be there also.

After a long car ride that felt like forever I arrived at SI and was whisked away into the conference room where I was brief about what to say and do once mum had introduced me.

Pretty soon I sat up on a small stage in front of everybody that worked at SI, as well as a large number of press.

I played with the hem of my pencil skirt, nervously while mum walked up to the large podium in the middle of the stage.

"It's been an emotional year to say the least, but with the help of our close friends and family, we've managed to get back on our feet and carry on with our lives, never forgetting those we loved and lost.

Today marks a day in SI history that is  sure to be, interesting to say the least. Today we welcome the youngest CEO of Stark Industries in history.

At just 18 years of age, the young lady is stepping up to run this company the way her father and grandfather did before her. She is both resourceful and intelligent, just like her father which as we know is a dangerous combination but when put together with her kind hearted natured, strong will and independence she is bound to do great things for this company.

I've watched this girl grow up and become the confident, strong independent young lady her father always wanted to be and in stepping down from the company I have all I faith in the world that she will be brilliant.

"So now, please welcome, the new CEO of Stark Industries, Evelyn Grace." My mum grinned and there was a loud round of applause. I stood from my seat and walk, confidently to the podium.

Look out at all the people with cameras and microphones pointed at me made me feel sick and dizzy. My breathing quicker and I gripped the podium.

Then my eyes landed on Peter and relief washed over me and I smiled, taking a deep breath.

"Hello, and good evening everyone. As you know my name is Evelyn grace Stark and as of today, I'm taking over Stark Industries, carrying on the Stark legacy, as it were.

"So, my mum thought doing a press conference like this would help me make a good first impression. She wanted me to show you that I was mature enough to handle something as huge as running a company like this. But then I thought, no...why do I need to make you all think I'm mature, because I'm not.

My dad wasn't and because he embraced him immaturity and goofyness, it allowed him to do the most amazing things, like, des6cover an element, one that is used in this very building as a clean, safe alternative power source. He made Iron man, who you all know saved this city, this country, this world more times than we can count. Lastly he made me who I am today. He is the reason I am standing here today, the CEO of a multi billion dollar company. Not because he passed it down to me, but because he taught me what it is to be an leader, to be a hero.

"My dad was everything to me, I looked up to him every chance I got and I saw things the press didn't see. The press saw a millionaire playing philanthropist partying, I saw a father blowing of some steam before he worked tirelessly, helping me with home work, school projects and telling me stories at bedtime. I saw a man who took in three kids, myself and my boyfriend included, who he saw had the potential to be great and give them every opportunity he could to make them see how incredible they are.

"My dad was, is and always will be one of a kind and that is why I aspire to be like him. I'm gonna take this company and carry one with what my dad was best at, helping people.

"There are couple things I plan on doing now that I run things. One is to stick to true Tony Stark fashion, I'm going to be starting the 'Tony Stark scholarship fund', that will enable 100 student across America to make a difference in the world of science and engineering. Who knows, the next Tony Stark could be one of those kids, they just don't have the right opportunities to get there.

I'm not interested in making the 30 under 30 list or becoming some fashion icon who parties the night away and the press can write what they want about me. I am here to one thing and one thing alone. To work my butt off for this company, making my dad proud ever step of the way. Thank you." There was a large round of applause and a million questions were shouted and I answered as many as I could.

"Miss Stark, how are you so sure that you can handel the pressure of running SI on your own at such a young age?" Guy shouted and I shrugged.

"Who said I was doing this alone. Now CEO is ever alone in running a company and I'm no different. My mum will be there for help and advice. I have my guy in the chair, my second in command,Peter Parker who will be talking on some of my responsibilities. I may be young, but I can run this company just fine."

"How can you be so sure, your just a kid." Another guy shout and and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm young, but when  my dad died, my mum fell sick and couldn't go to the office for a while, so I stepped in. I know the ins and outs of this company and I will do my very best to ensure it's working."

After a couple more questions my mum took over and soon we were done, walking back out of the conference room.

"You did amazing honey." Mum grinned as she hugged me tight.

"Thanks, I was so nervous." I chuckled. Peter joined us as we set of back to our office where mum was going to help make the transition a little easier.

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