Vylad Romeave

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Vylad never opens up to anyone. And he has good reason to. He is a murder. It's in his blood. When Zianna and Garte seperated for a few weeks, Zianna got pregnant with a one night stand. This man was a wanted murder, a complete physco suffering with mental disorders. Zianna didn't know this, until Vylad was born and he started to act strange. Garte was scared of Vylads disorders, so he abused Vylad and taught Garroth to do the same. This made Vylad even more corrupt. When they were about 24, Zane and Vylad killed Garte. Vylad learned with this that he loved to kill. He started to travel the world. Not for tourism like everyone says, but to kill people in different places. He loved blood and no one every knew it. I had to scare him away though. I once read Katelyns diary. She wrote that she didn't know him well or anything, but she loved his eyes. Not only did they remind her of Jeffery but they were comforting. Vylad was Katelyns first hopeless crush. When I read this, I had to do something. So I threatened Vylad. I carved a knife into his skin and told him never to come back to mystreet or I'll slit his throat. I couldn't kill him then, because he would tell Zane and this would cause many problems. But I scared him off enough, he never came back. But somewhere out there, Vylad is traveling the world, doing what he loves. Murder. Good for him

Vylad is a physco

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