Nicole Von Rosenburg

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Ah, yes nicole. You were one annoying little bitch. The amount of times I wanted to slap you across the face and slit your throat were way too much to handle.

Nicole was Katelyns bestie, bff, whatever you call it. They trusted eachother with everything and were practically telekinesis twins. It was okay by me, but after the whole Dante situation Nicole fell in love with feminism and hating guys. She was never into girls, thank god because obviously by this time her and Katelyn would be together, but she hated the idea of unloyal men. She vowed to never have sex again or marry a man. She drilled this intoKatelyn as well so bad to the fact she pushed her not to be with me. Nicole is the reason that I spent so many years trying to get the girl of my dreams and failed miserably, being punched to the floor every time I tried to ask her out. Nicole got Kaitlyn to believe that woman we're power and no man could ever stop that and that any man who tries to get in the way of that is a user, abuser, killer that you have to take down yourself. And so Katelyn rejected me for years upon years and left me trying to make everything perfect for us and getting rid of the toxins. One night I had asked Katelyn on a date for the first time on Valentine's Day. I made the mistake of having Nicole in the same room and she overheard our conversation and gave Katelyn a death look, persuading her to decline. That's when I got so fed up with Nicole that one night when I cat fished her to a feminism meeting I killed her and buried her in the in the lot of the YMCA. I eventually framed Dantefor her murder after his death, saying that he killed her for getting in the way of his plans to break Gene out of jail . Thank God I never have to look at that girl again she was the most annoying feminist you could ever meet she was a taint , a toxicity in Katelyns life.

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