Rylan Smith

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Remember how I told you how about Dotties abusive nature towards Daniel? Well, Rylan has always known about this. He's been plotting revenge on her for YEARS. It started when they were in highschool and they were all friends. When Dottie started to fall in love with Blaze and abuse daniel, Rylan figured out that Daniel was too afraid of Dotties actions to leave Dottie and report her. Whenever Rylan took action, Daniel would become angry with him. Rylan then promised daniel he'd take care of him and make Dottie pay. He contemplated ways to slowly kill her for years. He didn't put his plan into action until he met June. June was a stripper and someone with a lot of money. Their relationship was open, as expected of June, sex with others was her job, so he had June call up some weirdo pedophiles and get them to go over to Dotties. They did as told and that's how Rylan got the start of his revenge. Once Dottie was raped, Rylan came to me. Apparently he knew it was me that killed Jeffery and Abby, just an intuition he's always had. We then made a deal. I'd get Dottie to kill her and use her soul, and he'd get a complete cover up and a few thousand dollars. So, I drowned Dottie and allowed Micheal to take the power of her soul, and I framed Gene for the murder. Because she was seen with Garte at the abortion, I did some deeper digging and found out she was actually Gartes assistant. Even if Gartes dead, his money still lives on. So I framed Gene for going to get the vault code from Dottie, and he killed her when she failed to provide. Rylan got revenge, I honor that

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