Slyvanna Pheniox

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Slyvanna always knew there was something wrong with Aphmau. Ever since Aphmau was born she knew Aphmau would grow up to be a physcopath or crazy person, and that's why she was so oppressive over her. Aphmau was never allowed to go anywhere or see anyone, let alone hang out with a boy. The reason why she knew Aphmau would grow up to be a killer was even more shocking. But it is something I can relate to. The physcopathic blood running in her genes. It started off with her great grandmother, Irene Phoenix, who was one of the most notorious killers in the country. She had countless victims, all men from bars, and it wasn't long before she had children, carrying on the killer bloodline. Slyvanna however, was different. She knew about all of the physcotic blood and decided she wanted to stop it. She decided she would seek mental help and counseling for years and not have a child to discontinue the bloodline. However, she fell in love. When she met Aphmaus father, she seemed to forget all about her plans and chose to be with him. Then, about 3 months into their relationship, Slyvanna got pregnant with Aphmau. It was much too fast and ruined all her plans of not carrying on the bloodline, Slyvanna decided to not tell Aphmaus father. She wanted to have an abortion or anything that would stop her from having Aphmau. She never hated Aphmau, because nothing was ever her fault, but she knew what she would become and she had to stop it. Unfortunately under all the stress of pregnancy and finding out her husband cheated, she spiraled. She was so blinded by her relationship she hadn't been taking her medication or going to therapy. And the physco blood in her began to stir and boil, unleashing a monster. That's why Aphmaus dad is never around, she killed him. She killed him and the young lady that he cheated with, but not the young child, Ein. Ein, although only a baby, witnessed the gruesome murders of his parents. He watched and cried as Slyvanna dismembered them and watched as she laughed out physcoticlly. She made the crime look like a murder suicide, but later she realized her mistakes. She didn't want Aphmau to become what she had, a murder. And so she treated Aphmau strictly. She failed. Sometimes there is no escaping your family. And on that level, I can relate to her. Aphmau probably never would have been a murder like she was if it wasn't for her family, but I probably wouldn't be one either if the demon warlock didn't run through my family linage. Although Slyvanna Hated her murderer bloodline, I love mine. At first I didn't, but after I realized the power the demon warlock granted me; when I realized I could get Katelyn; when I realized that with this power nothing could come between me and Katelyn, I embraced it. Worshipped it. Loved it.

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