It doesn't matter if you're a death eater. You'll always be my friend

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A/N Adam has move to The Hospital Wing

Johnny's: POV

"Excuse me Professor Snape, but can I borrow Mr. Cater?" asked Dumbledore. "Sure!" said Severus.

I went out to him and walked to the hospital wing. "Adam wants to see you!" said Dumbledore before he left. I went up to his bed and sat down on the chair.

"Hey Adam!" I said gently. He gave me a weakly smile and took an exhausting breath. "Hey Johnny!" he replied. "I'm sorry I've been an idiot to you. I didn't mean to hurt you!" I said. "It's okay!" he replied.

He throw up in a bucket and I held off his hair. Adam lay exhausted down and it hurt to see him åso weak.

"It doesn't matter if you're a death eater. You'll always be my friend!" I said. "Thank you!" replied Adam. "I'll let you sleep!" I said and stood up. "I'm glad we're friends again!" he replied. "Me too!" I said with a smile on my face.


"How's he?" asked Draven worried. "He has been through a lot!" I said. "I can't lose him!" he replied. "Adam is a fighter and he will not give up!" I said.

"Thank you for be there for him, you are his hero!" replied Draven. "You're his hero too!" I said with a smile on my face. "He loves you as a friend!" he replied. "I know!" I said.

I hate to see Adam weak💔 I just want to give him a hug and tell him that everything will be fine.

But I'm glad he and Johnny are friends.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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