The Dark Lord's return

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Melanie's: POV

I found myself in a graveyard and I had a worried feeling in my body. I saw Harry went up to a gravestone, I knew that the Riddle family lay buried there.

"Harry, this cup is a portkey!" said Cedric. "I've been here before!" he replied.

I saw something in the shadow and my feet froze. "We have to get out of here!" said Harry. "What is it?" asked Cedric. "Get back to the cup!" he said. "Kill the spare!" replied a hoarse voice. "Avada Kedvara!" said Peter Pettigrew. Cedric fell dead to the ground and Harry let out a scream.

I watched when Peter brought father back to life. "Oh my dear Melanie, you look just like your mother!" said Voldemort. "Thank you, father!" I replied. "Your arm, please!" he said. I bit my lip when he called the other death eaters.

He took off their masks and yelled at them. I saw Rodolphus, Jamie, Aro and Lucius.

"My Lord, my ex-boyfriend is a traitor!" said Jamie. Really?" asked Voldemort. "He's married to Jesper Swan!" said papa. "Isn't he a auror?" asked Alecto.

"Your dear daughter is best friend with Sirius Lupin!" said Jamie. "I expected more of you!" replied father. "Leave her alone!" replied Rod. "You are a shame!" said Voldemort disgusted.

"Sirius is a kind werewolf!" I replied. "You can't trust them!" he said. "I'd never hurt him!" I replied. "One more word and you will feel pain from hell!" said father threatened.

Rod apparated us away to his house. I'll never forget the glance father gave me.


"We're safe now!" he said. "I thought you were in Azkaban?" I asked. "I managed to escape!" said Rodolphus.

"Can I live with you?" I asked. "Of course!" he replied with a smile on his face. "I hate father and mother, they've never loved me!" I said. "I've always seen you as my daughter!" replied Rod. "I've always seen you as my father!" I said.

The Dark Lord is back💀 Melanie needs protection or she'll end up in Azkaban.

I love Rodolphus. He really cares about Melanie.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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