Part 35

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Be sure to read Part 34 before this one

Taehyung's side

After Jungkook hung up the phone I started balling out my eyes. I was trying to push Yugyeom off of me but he wouldn't move. He just grabbed my hands and pulled them over my head.

"Now, we have some ground rules for tonight. You're lucky I'm being so nice, usually we people who do this to male omegas are mean and hateful and would just throw y'all around like toys because you basically become one tonight. But you're lucky you got me, don't comply and I'll gladly give you to someone who will go not as easy on you as I am."

He sat me up but handcuffed my hands together and to the side of the bedframe. He wiped the tears from my eyes but that didn't stop them from flowing outta my eyes.

"Now, I have to go get some stuff but I'll be back and then I'll go over everything that's happening tonight. Wait here for a second."

Why would he tell me to wait when I literally have no option?

Anyways, I sit there because I literally can't move so what's the point of doing anything. Maybe if I close my eyes and open them back up Jungkook would be infront of me.

I close my eyes and then open them up and didn't see Jungkook. It made me sad, I didn't even do anything to deserve this. All I was doing was living my extra life and being with my mate but no people just kidnap people on the reg.

Makes it so much better when you find out it's one of your mate's friend's mate. Like oh wow, and he was so nice. He had a whole party planned and I frickin risked my butt helping him.

I say my butt because Jungkook wouldn't hurt me, unless he's fucking me and then goes rough and I feel it the next day. That hurts and I'm sure he would've had no problem ramming into me.

But then he would care for me after so he really ain't hurting me.

But my ass does hurt the next day.

The door opens and Yugyeom came back with a bottle and a robe.

"We gonna need these later. But basically I'm gonna first make you have this room smell like you. Then I'm gonna knock you out and do some stuff so that way you aren't struggling to your destination. Then I'll leave you in that room where they will prep you and then we will meet again in a room. Are you following along?"

He asked and I just nodded. I wasn't really but jeez the only thing that I'm paying attention to and that what's going on in my head. Which for a fact is Jungkook and everything we've done together.

Also music is playing in the background and then a bunch of weird stuff which now I'm questioning what goes on in my head.

"After the ritual we'll kill you and then raise our child to become a great leader of all wolfpacks. Doesn't that sound amazing?"

Hold the fuck up.....back up a bit.

"You're gonna do what to me!?"

"We are going to kill you after the pup is born because we don't need you anymore. I mean unless they find some use for you I don't really see the point in you living anymore."

"Plus Jungkook is gonna suffer either way. After we stab you when the baby is born he's gonna start to get weak and be in pain."

Yugyeom explained and said but I couldn't help the tears. "Why are you crying prescious? We haven't started anything, though we should start scenting this room so that way it's strong."

He unhandcuffed me from the bed but held the chain in his hand. "Now I'm gonna let you go but you have to promise not to run away. Promise?"

I just lowered my head and nodded. "Good boy, now go run your body on any and everything. I'll be outside the door waiting for you to finish."

Yugyeom walked out and I looked out at the night sky. The moon is starting to rise slightly. As I started to move around the room I got a feeling.

The same feeling from the night that Jungkook was here and talked to Soobin and Yeonjun.

He's here Taehyung, Jungkook is here! He's gonna save us, him and JK!

YAH! Why are you deciding to say that now? He was literally here the other night. And where have you been?! I'm over here stressed and sad and shit and your just sitting there.

Well in all honesty this shit is scaring me too. How the hell am I supposed to calm you down if I'm all riled up and scared myself. Plus I didn't really know it was him the first time. You forgot you couldn't smell him but if you have the same feeling from that night that you having now....common sense says it's him idiot

We the same person, you just called yourself an idiot

I rolled my eyes and went to the corners and started scenting them. Well it's not like I had a choice, if I didn't do it something worse would of happened to me and I don't want that.

But I was so happy to here that Jungkook was here. I knew he'd come, I just knew it.

All the excitement went straight through me and sooner or later the room smelled heavily of me. "Shit!"

I looked at the door when I heard cursing. I walked up to the door and opened it.

But Yugyeom was just holding his nose, I saw a puddle of blood and guessing his nose was bleeding. "Um are you ok?"

He looked at me and his nose started gushing somemore. "Yea just, I'm fine. Just come on." He pulled me into the room and stripped me of my clothes.

I tried to run away but it didn't work as he was just ripping them off. He then sprayed me with this spray, guessing moonflower spray because when he uncovered his nose he took a whiff off of me.

"Ah that's better. Here put this one and we need to go." He threw me that robe and put it on me. It was all black and it nowhere near fit on my body.

When I say sweaterpaws I mean you don't even know where my hand is in the robe. Then it came with this long robe came with a good and he put it over my face.

It literally covered my face. When that was done and after I stuggled through everything he sprayed more moonflower on me.

"Alright, let's get going. Try to stay as calm as possible." I looked calm but really I'm just flipping out and everything. Yugyeom also but a robe on and sprayed himself.

As we was walking in the hallway I got Jungkook's scent and wanted to run towards him. "Go towards him and it's over for you."

I just kept walking and I saw him look at me and then run straight past me. I got sad.

We eventually made it to the room where I'm supposed to be and I suddenly got this rush of fear to wash over me.

"Welcome Taehyung, please come in. We must prepare you for the night's fall."

Everyone was wearing robes and I couldn't see who was who. They pushed and pulled me around and took thee robe off of me and forced me into clothes.

I couldn't struggle, no matter how much I tried. I also started to feel slight pain, I hope Jungkook doesn't get hurt to me. I hope he remembers I can still feel his pain and his emotions.

"Is he ready?"


Oooo, author-nim doing some crazy stuff.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully you are enjoying your stay at air Baby Omega 😂

Yes they went by each other but they will meet don't worry about it.

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