{3} Before The Fall.

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"The entire empire has sunk into a quagmire of extravagance from which they cannot extricate themselves."

~ Liu Cixin.

~ Liu Cixin

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Two months earlier...

"Do you really believe this?" I questioned my coworker with raised brows.

Lopez sat in front of my desk, eyes glued onto the television. The news flashed across the screen, images of those things throughout America caught my attention. California was hit hard with whatever this sickness is. Riots plagued the streets. The end of the world goers caused the internet to go insane. The south was starting to get a taste of this very disease. Not that it bothered me much. The government would have it under control in no time, they had to.

Lopez raised the remote and kills the power. Turning the leather chair towards me with a look of dread.

"Don't you?" Lopez spoke with his thick accent, his handsome face too serious.

I simply roll my eyes, carefully pushing paperwork into my briefcase. "I believe everyone is getting afraid for no reason. We aren't in the 1500s, we have the technology and resources to figure this out."

Lopez watches me, thinking. He then leans forward, placing one hand onto my desk. Tapping his well-trimmed nails on the smooth oak wood. "And if they don't?" Lopez questions me hypothetically.

I pause to look up at him.

"Then what?"

"Francis," I sigh but he cuts me off. Lopez shook his head frantically. Clearly, my argument wasn't an option for him. Not on this day.

"I say; pick up Jodie, gather your things, and leave for Atlanta as soon as possible," Lopez suggests.

My head tilts ever so slightly and I reply, "Atlanta?"

"The city is taking in civilians alike to help keep those who are not infected with this - thing safe. There's food, water, emergency care, anything you might need. I and Greg are going to Atlanta tonight."

There's something I can't quite understand or perhaps I don't want to believe that this event could be life-threatening. Everything inside me wants to deny all of it. Disbelief if you want to call it that. To uproot everything because people proclaim the world is ending with the dead walking among us is insane to me.

I shake my head with disagreement, snapping my briefcase shut. Quite frankly, I am too tired to even think about this. The recent case I found myself taking over deals with this very thing.

A young girl claimed her parents had caught this virus. So she killed them cold blood.

In my mind, people were using this to cause harm to others. Isn't that how it usually goes? Those who held dark minds push their own evil agenda. I might not agree with what she did, but this case could bump up my own status if I won.

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