Chapter 2

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Nikki's P.O.V

I'm finally able to go home. I get up and get dressed, get my things, then head to the desk and sign myself out. I walk out of the hospital and head home since I don't live that far away. I look up at the house and sigh before I head inside. Then I go to my room, get a bag, start putting some of my stuff in the bag, like my phone, iPod, both chargers, laptop and it's charger, and as many clothes as I can get into the bag.

I walked to the bus stop so I could head to the concerts that I had tickets for, I headed to the bus stop at the venue, I got off and looked around and saw the two bands standing by each other. I walked over to the BOTDF meet and greet table to get some stuff signed, same with BVB, then I started to walk away slowly to see the other bands that were there. I could tell Jayy saw something was up with me.

I hurried up and got all their signatures and walked away as fast as I could. I felt a pair of eyes following me so I turned around. I see Dahvie and Jayy staring at me. They knew something was up. I walked over to the bathrooms and sat next to the door in the hallway. I put in my headphones and put on BOTDF.

Jayy's P.O.V

I felt something was wrong with this one girl I met. She seemed kinda off. After signing and taking a few pictures with fans I went to go look for the girl. I then found her sitting against the wall by the bathrooms and walked over to her seeing her wearing one of mine and Dahvie's band hoodies with the hood up. "Are you ok sweetie?" I asked her. She shook her head no while staying quiet and hugging her bag she had with her. "Come on back over to mine and Dahvie's table, you'll be ok I promise." I say to her.

I could definitely tell that something is wrong but I don't want her to run off if I ask so I'm not going to right now. Dahvie saw me come back with the girl that had hurried off after getting signings from us and BVB. "Is she ok Jayy?" he asked. I looked at him "I'm not sure she hasn't said anything yet." I say to him, then I let her sit in my chair as I pulled another one next to her. I then sit next to her.

Adopted By BOTDF and falling In Love With A BVB MemberWhere stories live. Discover now