Chapter 12

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Andy's P.O.V

While I sit on the couch in the bus I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it. I look down at my phone and see a bunch of tweets on twitter then put my phone back in my pocket and go outside. While I'm outside I get a cigarette out and light it. I stand by the bus for a while then head to where the meet and greets are. I wait for the rest of the band. About five minutes later they show up and sit down then fans start coming over.

After a while I look over and see Jayy, Dahvie and Nikki. I can tell that she is sad and not knowing what to do. While the band and I are doing signings and pictures with fans I notice her looking at me out of my eye. I smile at her and for all of the pictures. After about an hour of doing the meet and greets it's time for the concert and we head to where the stage is. We go get ready for the show in our dressing rooms.

Nikki's P.O.V

While I wait for Jayy and Dahvie to finish getting ready for the show I decide to walk around backstage trying to find the bathroom since I don't know where it is. As I turn the corner I accidentally bump into Andy and fall down. I decide to look down not knowing what to do or say. "Are you ok?" he asks as he kneels down to me, I shake my head. He then helps me up and hugs me. I start to walk away feeling embarrassed of what just happened not realizing that I like him. Not realizing it I started to limp from when I was running from the person who had tried to hurt me. I then feel a pair of strong arms help me sit down on a bench that is near me, I look up a little and realize that it's Andy again. "Th... thank y... you" I say stuttering, he then hugs me again. "You're welcome, also do you know where BOTDF is at?" he asks and I shake my head no. As I sit there by him, I end up resting my head on his shoulder not realizing that I'm tired, while there he puts his arm around me to keep me safe so that people who pass by don't hurt me.

I then look at the clock that is on and realize that Jayy and Dahvie are about to start their show and start to shake. I look at Andy who is still by me, and I tell him that the BOTDF show is about to start and he nods then gets his phone out and makes a call. I stay close to him while he's on the phone, about five minutes later he gets off the phone and tells me that Jayy said that I can stay with him and the band. I smile and nod then we get up and head to where CC, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley are at, I start to get scared even though BVB has helped me through so much and still are. Andy keeps his arm around me and I feel safe with him by me. After a couple of minutes we meet with the rest of the band. We all head to where the stage is but on the I end up falling down. I look up and Andy has his arm around me helping me up and puts my arm around him so that I can stay on my feet.

Once we get to the stage they keep me close to them then they get told that it is time for their show. I nod letting them know that I'll be ok while they're on stage. I sit by the stage and sing along quietly to myself hoping that they don't hear me but it fails when Andy looks over at me. I shake my head no. He then comes over when they take a quick break to get a drink then he has me come with him to sing with him. I sigh and follow him scared since I've never been in front of so many people.

Andy's P.O.V

"Hey everyone, how are you doing today!" I yell into the mic, and everyone screams. I look at her and ask her what her name is quietly and she tells me her name is Nikki then I get the mic again. "So everyone we have someone here to sing with me and she has a wonderful voice so please be respectful." I say into the mic and everyone cheers again. I then signal the band to start playing the song 'savior' then I start to sing as well as Nikki and everyone is still cheering, while we play the show a man ends up throwing something and it hits her in the stomach and she runs off with the mic dropping to the ground. I stop singing as well as the band stops playing, I go to find her and see her on the ground curled up in a ball. I kneel down by her to see if she is ok then I see some blood on her hands. "Nikki are you ok?" I ask her and she shakes her head while tears run down her face. "I will handle this ok" I say to her then go back on stage and yell into the mic "Who ever threw that should be very guilty of what you did because she now is hurt thanks to you asshole!" all the fans look and point to where he is now at the back of where everyone is. I then tell the security who is backstage when I get back to where she is, they agree and go deal with it. I go and apologize to all the fans that we had to leave halfway through our show.

I go and pick Nikki up and we all head to the bus. I lay her down on my bed then go and get the stuff to help her then come back and have her lift her shirt so I could see her stomach of where the blood is. While I clean up the blood and wrap a bandage around her stomach area I get a call. After finishing doing that I answer my phone knowing that it is Jayy.

Phone call

Andy: Hey Jayy, how did your show go

Jayy: It was good also by any chance is my daughter with you and the band?

Andy: Yeah we had to go back to bus halfway through our show

Jayy: What happened? Is she ok?

Andy: We had an issue but she is ok now

Jayy: Are you sure?

Andy: Well I had to clean up blood that is on her stomach and wrap it so it wouldn't continue

Jayy: Where was she when it happened?

Andy: She was singing with me when it happened. A water bottle was thrown at herby some guy. I will keep her safe I promise 

Jayy: Ok, just make sure that she will be ok and if she cries in her sleep please help calm her down

Andy: I will

Jayy: Ok bye

Andy: Bye

End of phone call

When I get off the phone I look and notice that she is asleep. I lay the covers over her to keep her warm while I go and get some food from the kitchen area on the bus while the guys watch tv. I go back to my room and sit on the end of the bed while she sleeps and I smile knowing that she will be ok if she is by me and the guys. After I eat I take my stuff to the trash in the kitchen area on the bus then go to my room, shut the door and lay on top of the covers next to her since I've tired and worried about her. I rest my arm around her after I put my phone on the table next to the bed and fall asleep knowing that Jayy, Dahvie, me and my band are all going to LA for our second to last concert on this tour.

Adopted By BOTDF and falling In Love With A BVB MemberWhere stories live. Discover now