Chapter 9

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Nikki's P.O.V

Jayy and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. I fall to the floor. "What's so funny?!" He yells confused, "Dude look at your shirt" Jayy says while still laughing then Dahvie notices and storms off to his room slamming the door.

Dahvie's P.O.V

I sigh and storm off to my room and slam the door behind me. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and sigh feeling like I did something wrong. I then hear a knock on my door "Dahvie it's me Nikki, can I come in please?" I hear her soft voice and I smile a little. "Yes" I say then she comes in and shuts the door behind her, then comes and sits by me, "Are you ok, because you stormed off looking kind of pissed off." She says and I just nod letting her know that I am fine.

Nikki's P.O.V

After talking to Dahvie for a while I went out into the living room.

I sit on the couch playing a game on my phone quiet then I feel the bus stop. So I look outside to see that we're at another venue so I close the game on my phone and put it in my pocket. Then I walk off the bus and look around seeing a bunch of different bands but one of the bands stand out from the others. It was BVB. I walk over wearing my jacket that is hiding the scars and bruises that still haven't fully healed. I hand them a poster for them to sign then pull the sleeve of my jacket down to hide them. I then look down after getting the poster back and heading back to the BOTDF bus. Getting on the bus again I go to my bunk, shut the curtain and face the wall feeling horrible.

We go into the tent and sit down to take pictures and sign things. I sit in my chair but felt more and more sick by the second.

I end up falling asleep for about 2 hours then wake up to Jayy gently shaking me. "Are you ok sweetheart?" he asks and I nod. Still feeling bad, I went back to the bus quickly without saying hello to BVB. I then hear Jayy talking on the phone.

Phone call

Jayy: Hey Andy

Andy: Hey Jayy

Jayy: Do you know why Nikki ran into our bus not talking?

Andy: Honestly I'm not sure, after we signed her poster she took it and ran off, which worried all of us but worried CC more

Jayy: I'll try to get her to talk to me more

Andy: Ok

Jayy: Ok bye

Andy: Bye

End phone call

I go to the empty bunk and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling with the door shut and zone out. While zoned out all of a sudden I remember one guy from BVB had drumsticks and had a worried look on his face. As I lay there I started to fall asleep still wearing my hoodie that had the sleeves really long that covered my hands sometimes since I'm really thin.

Adopted By BOTDF and falling In Love With A BVB MemberWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt