Chapter 28

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Nikki's P.O.V

While walking around the bus heading to get something to eat then sit down on the couch and watch some tv still shocked that it's been three months and the tour is almost over and that my ribs are getting better little by little. I get my phone out and call my dad since I miss him as well.


Jayy: Hello?

Nikki: Hi dad

Jayy: Hey sweetie, how's everything going

Nikki: It's great even though I have broken ribs but they are healing

Jayy: How did that happen

Nikki: At one of the concerts, but don't worry also I'm engaged

Jayy: Ok and that is great, when is the wedding

Nikki: I'm not sure Andy and I are figuring that out, I love you daddy

Jayy: Ok well let me know and love you too sweetie, have a good day

Nikki: I will and same to you


Still sitting on the couch watching tv I then feel warm arms wrap around me and I smile knowing that it's Andy, I lay my head against his chest while we both smile and watch tv. I look up at him and ask him when the band will be up and he tells me that he's not sure, I nod my head then rest against him again. I end up falling asleep watching tv while laying against Andy, the band then comes in and sits down and makes a bunch of noise.

Andy's P.O.V

While sitting on the couch holding Nikki I watch tv then look down and see her asleep then look back up continuing to watch tv, I see the guys come in and start to make a lot of noise so I tell them to calm down because she is asleep. Ashley notices when he comes in he quiets down before everyone else and goes and gets some food then sits down by me and Nikki. "So do you know when you and her are going to finally make it official?" he asks me. "I'm not sure we have to figure it out together dude" I tell him and he nods, then turns to the tv and watches what is on. I sigh quietly then get up with Nikki in my arms and head to the back, lay her down on our bed then head back to the front of the bus while shutting the door quietly. I sit back down on the couch then hear my phone go off so I look at it and see a bunch of comments and questions from fans on if everything is fine. I try to answer as many back as I can but close the app and put my phone away since we have a concert in a few hours which means that we have to start getting ready. I go to the room so I can get ready then do my warp paint, after I finish putting on my leather vest and finish up by doing my hair, I then sit on the bed and gently wake her up so that she isn't in pain when she sits up because her ribs are still healing.

I smile and help her out of the bed then hand her my leather jacket so that she could wear it during the show. Once she is done I help her put it on then we go up to the front of the bus to all head to where the stage is at outside, while we wait we then talk to a few other bands that are playing today. About an hour later we end up going on stage for our show while the fans all scream and cheer, we all smile while Nikki and I raise our hands which makes them cheer even more. I smile at her and we nod at the song that we are going to start with, then we start with the song 'Wake Up', the next time we sing is 'Perfect Weapon' and so on until we get to our last song which would be 'Coffin', then we thank everyone for us being here today then we head off stage and head to the meet and greet after about fifteen minutes to relax. After we relax we go and sit down at our tent then fans come over after they visit a lot of other tents, one of the fans ask me how Nikki is doing and how she got broken ribs and I tell the fan that she is doing good and her ribs are healing good then get a picture with the fan then do more signings and pictures with the band and Nikki. We thank them for coming to the show and then get up and head to the bus. Once we get to the bus I go to our room with Nikki so that I can give her the meds that she needs for the pain. After she takes them we go and sit on the couch so that we can chat with the rest of the band. About two more months then we can go back home to LA and figure out when Nikki and I can figure out when we want our wedding to be, after a bit I look at my phone and notice that it's almost midnight and we got here around eleven then I start to yawn as well as the rest of the guys and Nikki so we all decide to go to sleep while we are heading to the next place which is in a few different cities that are in California.

Adopted By BOTDF and falling In Love With A BVB MemberWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt