Chapter 27

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Andy's P.O.V

While laying in bed with Nikki, the rest of the band is at the front of the bus sitting on the couches watching tv while we are heading to our next venue. While we are on the bus I hear the band laughing about something but ignore it since I'm in bed with my beautiful fiancé, and start to fall asleep with her in my arms. I wake up in the morning hearing CC and Ashley yelling, I look down and see Nikki still sleeping so I got out of bed carefully not waking her up and go to the front of the bus and see them yelling so I decide to throw Ash's boot at his bed which made him shut up and CC and I laughed seeing his look on his face then we got food from the kitchen area then sit down on the couch. About an hour of being up I hear soft footsteps then look over my shoulder and smile as Nikki comes in and sits down on my lap and I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her cheek. "How long until we get to our next venue babe?" she asks me and I tell her that we will be there in about two more hours but we would be stopping to get some food on our way, she smiles at me and kisses me which I kiss her back in return. We smile at each other, then she gets up and looks out the window and sees the venue and looks back at me.

Jinxx's P.O.V

While sitting on the couch the band and I watch tv and make funny jokes then laugh about them. I then look over seeing Andy and Nikki sitting on the other couch. I then look outside and see that we are stopped by a fast food place then get up with everyone else, we then all walk off the bus and head there while Andy walks with his arm around Nikki while a bunch of people stare at us, once we get there we all head in and order our food. While we wait for our food I look down at my phone looking at all the posts, comments and so on, so that we could get back on the bus and head to the venue since we are halfway through our tour. About an hour later we get to the venue, CC, Jake, Ashley are ready while we wait for Andy and Nikki to finish getting ready then we all head to where the stage is. When we get there we all wait to go onstage to do our show. I look over and see her on her phone knowing that she's telling Jayy and Dahvie that everything is going good and that our tour is halfway over then gets off her phone when we hear that it's time to go on and perform. As we are performing 'perfect weapon' for our fans they are all screaming and cheering, once we finish our concert we all head off stage but stop when we are backstage and hear her scream in pain.

Andy's P.O.V

Once we are backstage and heading to the tent for the meet and greet I hear Nikki scream in pain and I hurry over to her and hold onto her and ask her what's wrong and she just shrugs so I then look up at the band and tell them to go ahead of us, while I wait with her some of the security come over and check on if everything is ok but notice that she has bruising starting to show but she says that she would be ok and they nod their heads and take us over to the tent so that we could join the rest of the band. While sitting with the band the signings and pictures continue, we all smile and some of the fans ask for pictures of just me and Nikki so we get up and do that once we get done with that we all head back to the bus.

Once we are on the bus we all sit on the couch and watch tv. I look over at my fiancé and notice that she has fallen asleep with her head on my lap which makes me smile. When we get to our next stop we go and check into a hotel since we have a few days off I then decide to take her to the hospital that is near where we are. I then tell the guys that Nikki and I would be back so then I help her into the car that we have borrowed for the few days and go to the hospital so that we could check if she is ok. After checking in we waited for a doctor to come out and call our names, we then got up and headed in with him so that she could get an xray taken so we could figure out if anything was wrong. About five minutes later he comes back into the room and looks at us, "I have something to tell you both" he says to us. "What is that?" I ask him and he then tells us that my fiancé has a few broken ribs, I then look at him in shock. "How is that possible'' I ask him then he explains and tells me that they had to wrap her ribs so they wouldn't get messed up anymore, I nod and tell them that I'm staying right here since she is my fiancé and they nod as do what they need to do so that her ribs wouldn't get worse and be able to heal properly, after being there for about a half an hour we finally get back to the hotel and go to our room. I open the door and let her go in before me then I shut the door and lock it behind me, I then help her on the bed and get in on my side after helping. While laying there I get a call from Jake and answer.


Jake: Hey, is everything ok Andy?

Andy: Yeah, Nikki and I just got in our room

Jake: So what did you find out?

Andy: Evidently she has about three broken ribs

Jake: Will she be able to still continue with us?

Andy: Yes, now we need to rest since we have a show in a few days

Jake: Ok, night

Andy: Night


I then lay my phone down on the nightstand and fall asleep by her keeping her near me so that nothing would happen during the night. The next day I wake up and get ready once I look at my phone seeing a message saying that all of us have an interview today. I then wake up Nikki and help her so that she could get ready as well then I tell her about today and she then nods. We then head out of our room and to the lounge where everyone else is waiting for us, then we all head to where our interview is at. Once we get there I get out with Nikki and have my arm around her keeping her close and safe. While we sit there we answer the questions they ask us which takes about thirty minutes then we are able to go back to the hotel to relax.

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