Chapter 23

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Andy's P.O.V

After being asleep for a couple of hours I wake up and look at my phone and notice a bunch of likes and comments realizing that they are all on twitter and I smile seeing Nikki still asleep so I just stay where i'm at and notice what time it is and realize that it is seven in the evening and look out the window seeing a grocery store since we are stopped so I get out of bed and wake the other guys as well as my girlfriend so that we could get some more food and snacks for the tour. While waiting for everyone I stand outside of the bus leaning on it having a cigarette, after I finish it the guys and Nikki come out of the bus and we all head inside while getting weird looks while we go and get our groceries. I stay with my beautiful girlfriend keeping her close while we get snacks while the guys get other things that we need so that we have food on the bus so that we don't argue when we're almost out of food.

Nikki's P.O.V

While walking around with Andy I notice the isle with the monsters and other drinks so I run to where they are with Andy by me then I smile at him as I grab every single monster they have and laugh as I hear CC coming then go over and hide behind him as CC comes over to get his favorite drink ever then looks over at Andy, "dude where are my drinks at?" he asks. I stay behind my boyfriend while they talk and hear CC getting upset then I peek out from behind Andy and giggle. I just watch as CC is trying not to throw a fit with the rest of the guys by us then hear people behind me call me names, I look down and run out of the store and onto the bus slamming mine and Andy's room door shut and cry to myself. I stay in the room not leaving while still crying.


I look behind Andy then look at the rest of the guys with a worried look on my face then back at Andy. "Andy, where's Nikki because she was just with us" I ask him. He looks behind him and doesn't see her and starts to freak out, "let's go pay since we can get more stuff at our next stop" he says and heads to the register with us following him quick, we get to the register and pay for our stuff then hurry to the bus and put the stuff away. While I was helping put the stuff away I heard crying so I stopped and went to where the bunks were and checked every single one then see Andy's room door shut so I go over and hear the crying and try to open the door but it is locked, I knock on the door hoping that I would get an answer. "Nikki, are you ok?" I ask but there is no answer except for the crying to get worse so I call for Andy. "Andy!" I yell and he comes running to where I'm at, "What's wrong CC?" he asks and I just point to his room while looking down feeling bad. I then think to myself 'why did this have to happen, she didn't do anything wrong' I keep thinking to myself then I put my head into my hands.

Jinxx's P.O.V

"Dude CC what's going on?" I ask as I come back to the bunks and sit down by him. "She won't answer us or open the door" he says to me then I look up and see Andy sitting against the door with his head in his hands still trying to figure out what's going on, I then take my phone out and call her. I then hear her phone go off but then it goes to voicemail, I keep trying to call but no answer so then I decide to message her worried.


Jinxx: Hey, it's Jinxx please answer

Jinxx: Please message me Andy is literally sitting against the door with his head in his hands

Jinxx: Everyone is worried about you, please at least let Andy in he is the most worried about you


I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket since I didn't get any answers back from texting her, I then get up and head to my bunk telling everyone good night seeing them just all nod still quiet. I get in my bunk and shut the curtain and lay on my bunk looking up at the ceiling and eventually falling asleep.

Nikki's P.O.V

I look at my phone and see a bunch of texts from Jinxx but put my phone on the night stand by Andy and I's bed then get up and go to the door quietly unlocking it and then Andy falls backwards into the room while I stand there he gets up and sees my makeup running down my face. I let him in then shut the door and lock it again then go and lay on the bed feeling useless and not knowing what to do, then Andy comes over to me with a damp towel and cleans the makeup off my face with a worried face. "Babe what happened?" he asks quietly and I just shake my head not wanting to answer but knew he would keep asking until I told him, I then sigh while looking down. "P...people were calling n...names and m...more, so I came to the bus and to our room" I tell him while still crying and more makeup ran down my face while I didn't care if I looked like that when the guys saw me. Andy then held me close to him in his arms not letting go, I kept crying unable to stop. He rocked back and forth with me, after awhile he then looked down at me asleep in his arms with more makeup running down my face.

I wake up the next morning and see Andy by me with his arms around me so that I was close to him and then I realized that he was asleep, I had to use the bathroom so I tried to get out of his arms but couldn't so I just laid there and put my head on his bare chest since his leather jacket was on the floor by the bed. I smiled a little and fell back asleep after realizing that it was only seven in the morning. While asleep I started to shake and scream thinking that it was real.

Andy's P.O.V

I woke up around ten in the morning feeling shaking and hearing screaming and looked down seeing Nikki, she evidently was having a nightmare. I kept trying to wake her but it was getting worse so I decided to call Jinxx. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and called him hoping he would answer which he did.


Jinxx: Hello

Andy: Hey, I need your help

Jinxx: With what?

Andy: Nikki, she is shaking and screaming. I'm trying to wake her up but she won't

Jinxx: Fine I'm coming

Andy: Ok


I hang up the phone and put it back on the nightstand and keep trying to wake up Nikki, then I hear a knock and tell them to come in and I see Jinxx come over to help me wake up Nikki but in the process I end up on the ground from getting pushed by her leg. "God that hurt!" I yell evidently waking everyone up and rushing into mine and Nikki's room. "What the fuck happened Andy?" Jake said. "She's having a nightmare I think and then I evidently get knocked off by her legs"I tell them. They go over and help wake her up but hear something and see Jake on the ground as well. I sigh and get up then helping Jake, once we were all up we finally were able to wake her up, I then held onto her keeping her close not letting go at all and kissed her letting her know that it was just a nightmare.

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