Chapter 21

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Andy's P.O.V

While I was sitting on the couch at the front of the bus watching tv Nikki came and sat down on my lap smiling. I wrap my arms around her not wanting to let go at all. I then kiss her as Jinxx walks in and says "hey" to us then we both say "hi" back. I look at Nikki and ask her if she wants to watch Batman with me and she nods smiling then gets up to make some popcorn, after she gets back with the popcorn we put the Batman movie in and starts watching it. Halfway through the movie I look down at my beautiful girlfriend and see she fell asleep with her head on my lap so I stop the movie and cover her up with my Batman blanket that we have by us. I then yawn some and eventually fall asleep sitting there with my arm around her while she's sleeping not letting go.

Jinxx's P.O.V

I wake up to a light on in the bus so I get up and go to the front of the bus and notice that the tv was on then looked over and saw Andy and Nikki passed out asleep on the couch, I smile seeing them happy so I go and find the remote carefully taking out of Andy's hand turning the tv off also putting the bowl of popcorn on the table by where Andy was asleep. I then go back to my bunk and fall asleep for awhile until I get woken up by CC's alarm that is on his phone since his bunk is above me. I lay there when I heard him fall out of his bunk then cuss but I got out and told him to shut up because Andy and Nikki were asleep, he looked at me with a confused look on his face and then ended up laughing quietly. I go out to the front of the bus sitting on the couch across from them after making a couple pieces of toast, I then get my phone out of my pocket with a smile on my face and take a picture of them and post it on twitter knowing that everyone's phone would go off then put my phone back into my pocket.

Andy's P.O.V

I kind of wake up from hearing my girlfriend's phone off since mine is in our room but fall back asleep where I am not wanting to wake her up. Later I wake up and yawn some and see the guys sitting across from us talking about something then look at Jinxx, "what time is it" I ask him, wondering. He looks at me and laughs "it's two in the afternoon dude" he says to me and I look at him with a shock then down at Nikki seeing that she is still asleep and smile seeing how cute she is asleep but have to wake her up. I shake her carefully, "babe it's time to wake up" I whisper in her ear and see her eyes start to open and look up at me. "What time is it?" She asks me and I tell her that it is two in the afternoon then kiss her passionately and smile.

I just sit there and hold her while she is still trying to wake up, after she is fully awake I then get up after looking at my phone seeing a tweet and a bunch of comments then look at Jinxx with a somewhat pissed off look. I then go to mine and my girlfriends room to get ready since we had a show in a couple of hours, so I got ready in my outfit for the concert and deciding to where my leather jacket with my outfit then get my boots on and come to the front of the bus to sit down, seeing Nikki head to our room to get ready then hear her yell "Andy!" I get up and go to the room and ask her what is wrong and she tells me that she forgot her shirt in her bag so I go and get her one of my shirts that says the bands name and smile. "Here you go babe" I say then go to the bathroom and put my war paint on since we had to go backstage to finish getting ready for the concert since we were here. I then go back to the room and see her putting her makeup on and smile waiting for her so that we could go to the front of the bus.

A couple of minutes we head to the front of the bus and see that the guys haven't gotten ready so I look at them and tell them to hurry their asses up so we aren't late since I don't like being late especially for a concert for our fans. While waiting Nikki sits on my lap and I hold her keeping her close to me smiling, after about an hour later the guys come to the front. "Finally slow asses" I tell them as Nikki laughs then we get up and head inside, while heading there I keep my arm around Nikki so that no one could touch her and that I could keep her safe. We finally got inside then went and finished getting ready then went by the stage waiting to be called up to the stage so that we could perform after BOTDF, I stayed by my girlfriend until it was time. After about ten minutes we then were called on stage and ran up on stage after giving Nikki a kiss and smiling.

Adopted By BOTDF and falling In Love With A BVB Memberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن