Chapter 10: Making Changes

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A tight pressure squeezes my head, piercing pain overcoming my whole body. Falling through a light breeze, I'm like a heavy boulder being pulled down to the earth. A scream erupts in my throat as the world spins out around me, my vision clearing of the white light. Only a hazy mist remains. My stiff limbs return to me, the spinning space around me slowing down to a stone structure.

I'm thrown off balance, one last scream echoing from my sore throat. My legs give out, gravity pulling me to the ground. A pair of solid arms catch me as I tumble. I grasp onto the hard chainmail, despite the pain that digs into my already tender palms.

"Edythe?" concerned voice questions, more voices with the same tone repeating after the first.

My limbs shake as the arms lower me down to the ground, another pair assisting from the side. I lift my head as a painful headache sets in my skull. My gaze meets a pair of grey eyes staring back at me with concern. I slowly register the face around them, beginning to remember. Leon had caught me, Gwaine helping him lower me to the ground. They both hold me steady as my eyes wander around the group. The rest of the Knights of Camelot, Arthur, Merlin and Olaf all surround me with concern.

"W-What's going on?" I ask, my voice horse and rough, painfully reminding me of my tender throat.

Nobody has the chance to answer me as Merlin frantically appears in front of me. He pries Gwaine out the way, checking my temperature and assessing my health. Usually, this kind of behaviour would cause me to protest, but I feel more drained as every moment drags on. As Leon releases me, I start to sink to the ground, the knight quickly catching me again.

"You saved my life", Arthur exclaims, kneeling next to Merlin.

Feeling my eyes droop in a tired state, I respond weakly, "Couldn't let you have all the fun."

Arthur chuckles nervously, concern still riddling his face as he watches Merlin. The servant continues to fuss over my health, which I'm not overly worried about at the moment. I just want to sleep.

Arthur takes my shoulder in his hand. "Thank you. You have proven to be brave."

"Or stupid", Gwaine interjects, causing a light chuckle to escape me.

"She's weak", Merlin interrupts, reaching to hold me up. Leon and Merlin manage to pull me to a stand, Gwaine standing by if I fall again. "You look like a ghost, Edythe", Merlin adds, "We need to get her comfortable, get her warm and food."

"Of course. Anything you need, it's yours, Merlin," Olaf responds, nodding to one of his Knights.

"No...Please don't make such a fuss over me," I protest, intending to sound stronger but instead mumble ", I'm fine...."

"Follow me", an unknown voice instructs.

The world around me becomes distant as I fight to keep my eyes open, not having enough energy to keep myself intact. I feel the ground leave me as I'm lifted off the ground into someone's arms. My limb body gives into the embrace, too tired to protest. I try to force my eyes to stay open as Leon carries me from the hall, Gwaine by his side in worry.

My neck becomes limp as my eyes slowly close, my head falling to rest on Leon's shoulder. Quickly the darkness takes me from the land of the living, and I'm forced into a restless slumber.


I wake with a start, my body jolting to life as I've woken from terrible horrors my dream world conjured. My heart races, eyes darting around the room in fright. My mind is hazed by the torment inside the hell stone, distorting my reality.

With my frantic awakening, the warm covers crimple around my frame, the softness taking me by surprise. I peer down, letting my hand run through the beautiful soft fabrics. It's as though I'm floating. I've never slept on a mattress before, well not like this, this is fit for a King!

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