Chapter 22: Lancelot

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The world outside buzzes with life, murmured voices swarming in my window like a hurricane. I groan, cracking my eye open, a little sunlight creeping through the thick fabrics. I dive my head back into my pillows, refusing to get up.

Gaius has been kind to me, helping me get back to good health and giving me remedies for my sleeping patterns. The treatments and warm, comfortable bed make it hard to get up in the morning. Yet, Gaius says once he's satisfied with my sleeping hours, he'll take the remedies away. That should make it easier to wake up in the morning.

I groan in annoyance as the fabric hung above the windows is swung open, sunlight flooding into the room. "Rise and shine!" Merlin's voice calls in a perky chime.

I peek over my blankets, the servant grinning ear to ear, looking as if this is the best day of his life. In my state, this does not amuse me. If anything, it makes me hate and envy Merlin for being in such a cheerful mood.

"What are you doing?" I demand, this being out of the usual routine. Not to mention Arthur has strictly told Merlin to stay away from my chambers, or he'd have his head.

I'd never be worried about Merlin, the servant being a good friend, but this doesn't stop Arthur from being strict about where he can venture. My chambers are strictly off-limits. I wonder if this is the same for all men who wander the Castle, not that I plan on having a man in my chambers anytime soon.

"Arthur asked me to make sure you're set for the day as Gwen won't be available", Merlin explains, the excitement flooding through his voice. He fusses around the room, piling dirty clothes into a basket. My breakfast sits on the table.

"Well, Gwen clearly didn't give you the memo that I like to look after myself", I groan in annoyance. I pull myself up into a seated position, my hair a tangled mess around my face. "Why is Gwen unavailable? She's the most dedicated servant I've ever met."

Merlin turns to me on his hurried journey around the room, a wide grin plastered on his face. This is the happiest I've ever seen Merlin in my short time knowing him. He's unable to stay still, returning to his chores that I wish he wouldn't do. Gwen and I have already had an agreement she could do some things while I do everything else.

"You haven't heard the news?" Merlin beams.

This gets my attention. I climb out of bed, my nightgown falling around me as I walk over to the tempting breakfast. I pick up the apple amongst the food. "What news?" I ask, taking a big bite out of the apple.

"There's going to be a wedding!" Merlin cheers, nearly tripping over a chair as he throws his arms up in excitement.

I giggle at the servant's clumsiness. "Splendid! Who is the lucky bride and groom?"

"Arthur and Gwen, obviously!" Merlin shouts, once again off on a hurried rush around my room, doing unnecessary work. He's probably just trying to keep busy so he doesn't burst with excitement.

I nearly choke on my apple, having to take a moment to process. "I know! I had the same reaction!" Merlin muses.

"So Arthur actually proposed?" I gap, excitement rubbing off Merlin onto me.

A couple of nights prior, I had cornered Gwen, continuing our conversation. I was deprived. I learned quickly that the two had had eyes for each other for a couple of years now. It was difficult for Arthur when Uther had suggested he marry various princesses and women who have ventured through Camelot.

Gwen told me of the times when Arthur had saved her. When they shared moments in a time, Arthur was hell-bent on proving himself in a tournament, disguising himself as a simple knight. Countless more stories were told to me that night, and I could see in Gwen's eyes the love she has for Arthur. I haven't confronted Arthur about it in fear that he didn't feel the same way or that I would overstep a line. But after hearing Gwen's story, I couldn't unsee the love he must-have for her.

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