Chapter 46 - I'm Your Mother

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"So then why where they lose? They've been laying low for two months, letting us believe that they were killed in the explosion. There has to have been a reason that they revealed themselves to the public," Sam spoke up, causing all of the heads to turn to him.

"Perhaps they just wanted to flaunt their strength. None of them seem to being too much more than taking pleasure in their artificially manufactured powers," Rhodes suggested, but I don't think any of us actually believed it.

I joined in, "someone must have told them to reek havoc, otherwise they would have done something like this a month ago. We didn't finish off Hydra, there has to be a new leader now and that's who's controlling this team."

"They could have been simply causing a distraction," Peter suggested a little shyly and Tony began to search through his files.

"Cause a distraction from what?" Steve inquired, still pretty shaken from seeing a version of him wearing the Hydra insignia and carrying a shield upon which the star was replaced by the octopus.

Tony blew up an image for all of us to see, "distract us from this. While we were busy fighting the Hydra four, someone broke into a high tech facility and stole a rare experimental chemical that they were testing there. Hammer had struck the ground near the building with his hammer, causing the wave of electricity to make their security system malfunction and they just realized that the chemical was stolen about half an hour ago."

Steve looked up, "so why would Hydra need this chemical? What does it do?"

"They were testing it to see if it could allow a person to take energy from the quantum realm and repurpose it to fit their needs. It was highly experimental and they've only had a few unsuccessful trials, but they've just made alterations to the chemical make up and have high hopes for it in the future."

I frowned, "so they're trying to make another super soldier? Why would they risk the Avengers defeating their other four just on the off chance that this chemical would help them make a new one?"

"Because they're trying to make something more powerful. Face it, the one based off of me is simply a man in a suit of armor. Steve's is a knock off of the super soldier serum and we already have two of those on our team, there's not much special about him. Clint's just has a bow and arrow, not much to take down. Their most impressive is Thor's, but if his hammer uses electricity, it's possible that it could run out of charge so it still pales in comparison to the real Thor. They now have their sights set on something more alien, something that can replicate magical powers. An evil Wanda or Loki or perhaps you, (Y/N)."

A chill ran down my spine, "I was meant to be their leader. I guess when they realized that I wouldn't be joining them, they decided that they would make their own version of me instead."

"Then we have to stop them. (Y/N) is insanely powerful, whatever they fabricate to be her evil counterpart will be difficult to take down. Besides, the last thing that we need is another one of their super soldiers," Peter said, knowing as well as any of us that our best bet with these creatures was to face them as a team. Peter has managed to hold them off on his own back at the base, but he wouldn't have been able to defeat them. None of us could do that on our own.

"What do you think our best chances are to finding the Hydra Four?" I asked Peter as we strolled along the rooftops while on duty that night.

"Well I don't know, I was hoping you would have something as you are our resident genius, not to mention that you worked for them for a while."

"I worked for Lascombe, I have no idea who is calling the shots now. They have a different way of doing things. I mean Lascombe kept Hydra's identity secret for as long as possible, even when I was taken they didn't announce what organization they were working for on their clothing. But the Hydra four were all branded with Hydra's logo and they chose incredibly public places, they weren't trying to hide anything. Lascombe wanted to reveal Hydra to the world, but he wanted to make sure they were strong enough first. We've dealt a significant blow to their force, I can't imagine that they've been able to recover so quickly."

Peter paused as he mulled over what I had said. "If they truly want to become more known, that implies that they will strike again. Perhaps then we could find out where they are going."

"Right, you have that tracker on your suit, don't you? I'll get one for myself as well in case we run into them on one of our patrols or end up facing them as part of the Avengers. That way, if they get away again, we can figure out where their base is. Of course, that would mean that we have to wait for them to make a move. Which means that we might not find them until after their new super soldier is born," I sighed, wishing that there was a way to stop Hydra before my evil twin came out to reek havoc as well. The last thing I needed was for the public to be introduced to an evil version of myself and start going off on how dangerous I was to society.

Peter placed his hand on my arm and leaned in towards my ear, "we're being watched by a woman on the ground. She's been following us for two blocks now, I have a bad feeling about her."

"Alright, I'll teleport down and grab her from behind, then you can join us," I planned, glancing down at her.

Peter shook his head, "no, Tony wants us to stay together and the last time you had me join you later you were taken by Hydra. I am not risking something like that happening again."

"If I don't then we'll lose the element of surprise. Don't worry Peter, it's just one woman I'm sure I can handle it. Besides, you won't be as far away this time and if I run into trouble I'll just teleport right back here, I promise."

Peter sighed, "Alright, but be careful. I'll see you in a minute."

I nodded and did as planned, quickly pulling the woman into a chokehold as Peter swung down to meet us. Tightening my grasp on her, I asked, "who are you and what do you want from us?"

"I-I just wanted to see you, to see if it could be true," the woman panicked, trembling slightly in my grasp.

"Who are you?" I demanded as Peter arrived and held a defensive stance.

"I'm your mother."


(A/N): Hi so I may be transferring from my college but I don't really have any time to think about it because I have so much school work and in order to transfer I would need to get at least one job on top of my already heavy workload so that I can actually afford it so yeah I hate being an adult and I miss elementary school when the most important thing I had to think of was not forgetting my wordly wise in my desk. Anyway, I apologize for going off, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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