Chapter 13 (Blake)

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School ends tomorrow. And afterwards, it's grad. Again. I graduated from high school forever ago. But at least Mia is coming with me today. As a friend who was visiting. Or at least that's what we've told the principal. Plus a few choice threats from Alan.

Mia was excited, but that might just be because she's never been to a real school with other, regular civilians for students. We've had tutors, but the whole experience is different.

At HQ, we are a veritable horde of people. The Lewis' are used to personal chefs and nutritionists, which is something we cannot give them here at Witness Protection. Right now, Mia is bravery explaining to the Lewis' what they can and cannot have. I'm terrified for her, and I've had multiple guns to my head.

Rich people are there own kind of terror. They feel as if the can do anything and everything they want, which is just not true. But, they will threaten you if something is not exactly, word for word, to their liking.

When the Lewis' finally sit down to eat the food we have provided for them, the rest of us are finished eating. The girls, Cara and Chloe that is, are talking about whatever comes to mind. Fun, light conversation. Exactly what we need right now.

At that moment Xavier walks in. He's wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses.

He walks right over to us.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. I'm agent Xavier Steel. I've been assigned to keep an eye on you for the time being."

The Lewis' were shocked. I don't think it ever occurred to them that the person assigned to guard them would be a teenager, the same as the rest of us.

The recovered quickly with Christopher Lewis saying "A pleasure to meet you too agent Steel. Although if you wish not to blow your cover, please change into something more appropriate."

"Of course. I arrived from Spain a few hours ago. I hadn't had the opportunity to change yet. I'll meet you back here momentarily." Blake took what Chloe's father said and responded politely. After he finished saying his part, he just walked away, back to his own room.

Mia's phone beeped, and she laughed as she showed it to me.

"You look like a normal, innocent person." Said the text from Xavier. We looked at each other, and both started laughing.

The others looked at us, but we couldn't care less.

Xavier came back down approximately 5 minutes later, wearing a custom suit and tie. He looked hot. And I definitely wasn't the only one who thought that, everyone's mouths were hanging open.

"Well, I believe we're late for our second last day of school. It's time to go." Mia said.

All of the highschool aged people got up, left the building, and got into my car.

My car was nice and had space for 5 people, but it was still very cramped.

When we arrived, I went to first period as usual, except this time Mia was there. And not before I was able to bug both of the twins.

The class still ignored me and Cara, but they all seemed very interested in Mia. She was being friendly with them, but she mostly stuck with Cara and me.

During second period, we met up with Chloe. It's also when the rumours of Ryan riding with us in the morning. But anyway, the 4 of us talked about what I heard on the planted bugs this morning and had some more fun listening to Ryan's conversation with Sasha.

"And they were so lovey-dovey. I wanted to throw up in my mouth." I said.

"Then you'll definitely want to hear how they talk to each other at home when they think no-one is there. My room is next door!"

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