Chapter 21

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Thea called soon after that, telling her that she was ready to get going on the shopping spree. Felicity said that she would meet Thea at Jordan Creek, the local mall. Felicity jumped in the shower to wash off the perspiration that had come to rest on her forehead and lower back. Drying off, she threw on some of Oliver's old baggy clothes that he would wear in case of emergencies. Felicity smiled when she noticed that they smelled just like Oliver. Oliver's cologne - Polo Blue - had to be one of Felicity's favoritve's. Not too strong, not to light, but just enough for her to admire and enjoy when she kissed Oliver.

Felicity sent Thea a quick text after she had slipped on baggy pants, Leaving the club now, go in, start shopping - b there soon.

Ok, drive safe!

Will do, Felicity passed the young men and women that were starting to set up for tonight's gig.

She checked her phone for recent calls and noticed that she had missed three missed calls from Oliver. Felicity smiled but didn't dial him back, she wanted to go shop with Thea first and then run into his arms.

When Felicity did arrive at the mall, Thea greeted her with a hug. "Hey, are you okay?" Thea asked eyeing Felicity's clothes. She usually dressed up for any kind of occasion including shopping.

"No," Felicity laughed easily. "I'm fine, it's okay, I just went to work out, came back and noticed I didn't have any clean clothes. I borrowed some from a friend," Felicity shrugged. "Which store first?"

Four hours later, Felicity was paying the clerk and leaving the mall with Thea and a jumble of bags.

"You're so wearing that blue one!" Thea said excitedly.

Felicity was surprised at how Thea wasn't grieving. She was surprised that Thea was acting normal. Felicity would have said something but she didn't want to jinks it...

"I thought I should wear the red one, but I do like the blue..." Felicity thought about it. Tonight she wanted to go, dress up and be a little normal. She wanted to get a little fire back in her step.

"Aren't you glad you listened to me and bought it?" Thea wiggled her eyebrows. "Thanks, for buying mine too..."

Felicity cut her off, not wanting to degrade the moment. "Don't worry about it, Thea! I don't mind, really... Don't think about it anymore, because you'll ruin this girls moment, kay?"

Thea nodded and flipped back her short hair enthusiastically, "I'm a goddess when it comes to shopping, aren't I?"

Felicity snorted, "Yeah, you're somethin'..."

Thea and Felicity walked to their cars and Thea gave her a hug, "I'll see you tonight?"

Felicity nodded and said her goodbye'sn as Thea drove away happily, thankful to have such a loyal friend. Felicity packed her bags in the trunk of her car and grabbed her phone went it started to ring.

Perfect timing, she thought. "Steve! Yeah, I have a... Well, a compromise? Since you don't like to go clubbing, I thought that you might like to babysit?" Felicity filled Steve in on the details and Steve happily oblinged knowing that he was better at babysitting than dancing with two left feet to that horrible sounding music.

Felicity buckled herself in and started the car up for a drive, heading back to Starling City.


Oliver was laying on his bed when John walked in.

"You gonna go get ready soon?" John asked. "Felicity and her S.H.I.E.L.D. agent friends are going to go clubbing and she has invited us to tag along, are you gonna go?"

Shielded Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~2nd book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now