Chapter 36

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Felicity rocked back and forth in her chair, she was sober from the high right now and more focused that she had been in the past. She almost thought that she was completely out of the hallucinations, that they were behind her, but a version of Oliver laid across from her on the operation table while Felicity was still strapped to that damned electric chair.

Felicity swallowed and looked at Arthur stand above the Oliver look alike. He shut off the bright light that would've blinded his eyes if he was conscious.

"What are gonna do to me now, Arthur?" Felicity groaned and rolled her head to the side to look at him. "Torture me some more? Good luck with that... I'm not going to break under the pressure of pain."

"Oh," Arthur grinned looking more mirthless than the devil, "I know, believe me... So, I'm going to break you under the pressure of grief instead."

Felicity scrunched her eyebrows together, "What?"

"Oliver isn't just here to get you, I figured that he would show up, but not so soon," Arthur put a hand to his chin to rub a beard that wasn't there. He told her his thoughts on the matter, "I let you go so that you could send out a signal to Oliver telling him that you were okay, and he - of course - would trace the call back here and come later to try and hand my ass to me. When that would've happened, I'd been waiting."

"With my father?" Felicity rolled her eyes and gave a weak cough, "That guy needs an award for being Daddy Dearest of the year."

Arthur shrugged, he couldn't care less about Johnathan Crane, all he knew is that he had a huge grudge against Oliver Queen and it worked out well with this agenda.

"A topic for another day," Arthur changed the subject. "Right now, we're going discuss that little offer I made you."

"I'm not doing anything for you, Arthur, so forget it," Felicity watched Arthur move to a side table and picked up a knife that was as thick as her forearm. Felicity had gotten used to the darkness, in the black around her, she could see things that normal day people couldn't.

"That's what I'd thought you would say," Arthur trickled the knife along the side of the operation table and soon came to Oliver's arm. He slid the blade along his arm until Oliver squirmed awake.

Felicity started, "What the hell are you-"

"Felicity?" Oliver couldn't have been more concerned that blood was spilling from a shallow cut on his arm. He was looking at Felicity, noticing what environment that she had been in for the past few hours. His night eyes came in handy right now, the warehouse had beams across the top of the warehouse and made the place look like it wasn't finished being build. The windows weren't put in place, however, they were covered with drapes. Probably to keep the cold in, Oliver thought. What is he, allergic to the warmth?

"Felicity, are you alright?" Oliver saw her strapped to a metal chair like he was strapped to an operation table.

"Not bothered by the pain, I see," Arthur noted and pressed the tip of the knife a little farther into his skin.

Oliver put his head back on the table and let out a strangled sigh. "Wow," he bite his lip and the blood that spilled from his arm soaked his casual shirt and the jeans.

"Oliver?" Felicity panted and leaned forward, suddenly wondering if he was okay. "No," she reminded herself, "no, it's not him... It's not him, remove him from your mind, he's not real." Felicity head jerked around to try and clear her thoughts.

Oliver pulled on the restraints to try and squirm away from the pain. "What have you done to her?" Oliver demanded to know, his muscles shaking from the blade in his skin. Oliver breath escaped him, it felt like the knife was carving into his bones, hacking away his flesh.

"I didn't do anything," Arthur laughed easily, "it was all her. She lost her own mind," Arthur clucked his tongue and glanced back at Felicity who was rocking back and forth again trying to calm herself.

"You're so full shi -" Oliver groaned and clenched his teeth together. Embracing the pain of a hunting knife was key at this moment as Oliver tried to focus on his teachings from Hong Kong about suffering.

Felicity could bare to see Oliver in pain, even if he was a hallucination. It was her weak spot, seeing Oliver get hurt because of her. "Arthur, stop it! You're pissed at me, right? Torture me!" she begged.

"Maybe that would encourage enough and be some motivation," Arthur went over to a machine and cranked the power.

Oliver stared at Arthur as he picked up a sponge that was dripping with water. "What are you doing?" Oliver ignored the pain and pull against his chains once more. "What are you doing!"

No one answered, Felicity had already had her eyes shut when the sponge got pressed onto her skin. A burning snap coursed through her and her body shook viscously. Felicity gripped the sides on her chair in order to keep from screaming. That didn't last, the pain was too much and she threw her head back and screamed an ear piercing screech. It felt like her brain cells were being sizzled on a frying pan, her mind crackling and breaking in certain parts that she couldn't even fathom. And her windpipe! Don't even get me started, it felt like it was burning, almost on fire and collapsing inside of her. Felicity's head was light, she saw black even though it wasn't the black in the warehouse.

"Stop it!" Oliver shook his head trying to make sense of how to get out of this, but he couldn't focus on anything besides Felicity's screams which world shaking. "Stop! Please! Let her go!"

"Aww," Arthur removed the sponge from Felicity's neck, "you two are protecting each other, how sweet." Arthur rolled his eyes and let Felicity try and catch her breath, "I think I'm getting cavities."

Her gargles became stuttered gasps for air through her mouth.

"Have you had enough yet? Are you going to help me or not? Have you endured enough pain for a while?" Arthur would've been surprised if Felicity would've said yes, she's not the type to give up, even if it meant her life. Felicity was loyal to a fault, and she would always remain that way, no matter what happened to her.

Felicity leaned forward in the metal chair that she was locked onto. Her throat was molten lava, but she didn't care. All she could see was Arthur's head on a pike.

"That's the thing, you stupid son of a bitch!" Pain laced her voice and she jerked and pulled on her chained to lean forward and spit in Arthur's direction. Oliver was surprised to have such a fury filed answer from the woman he thought couldn't hurt a fly. Flashes of the robber in the street brushed his mind briefly.

Felicity's voice bellowed with truth, "I let you in on a little secret, Arthur." Felicity's voice was drowning in venom, "A mother can handle anything when she's facing the man who killed her child!"

Shielded Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~2nd book in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now