Chapter 10 - Ruined night

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he kept on eying me up, his stare lingering on my body. I tried to ignore him but it was too hard.


I turned to Quade, his eyes were full with concern, he nodded his head towards the club door, I followed to where he pointed out and my heart stopped, my eyes widened and my fist clenched, there that whore was, I stood up and walked over to her, looking her dead in her eyes. 

"Samantha Fread, what are you doing here?"

her eyes were filled with fear, good she actually feared me. I took another step forward but was quickly grabbed by someone, I turned to see Darren looking at me sternly, his grip loosened and he stepped back, I sighed and pushed past her, my hand attaching to her forearm, dragging her outside into an alleyway, I threw her down onto the cold ground, she looked up and me and cowered like a wimp.

"I asked you a question before, I expect an answer"

"I... Uh"


she flinched at me yelling and sat up a bit, she pulled her knees into her chest as I pulled out a handgun from under my dress skirt.

"I-I... was looking for someone... I had a debt to pay off and t-they said to meet me in this club"

I kneeled down and placed the barrel of the gun against her thigh and grabbed her neck, I was close to pulling the trigger when I heard that same sickening voice.

"Oh babe, don't shoot the messenger, I thought you would've known that?"

I turned around and aimed my gun at the person, there he stood, his hands hidden in his pants pocket, that same smirk I fell for when I was younger, I stood up and aimed my gun back at her leg, pulling the trigger an echoing shot filled the quiet alleyway, followed by an ear shrieking scream, I looked back at the bitch that took away my life, my future. a hole sat in the middle of her thigh, bright red blood gushing out of it onto the pavement.


"shut up or I'll shoot your brains out onto the wall" 

I turned to Charles and glared at him, I put my gun back into my garters, and clicked my knuckles. 

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"I came to see you"

his hand traced my arm, all the way up across my chest then under my chin, tilting it up. my hand drew across his chest and a smirk grew on my face. I grabbed his shoulder and dug my nails into him, then kneeing him in the crotch. I let him go and made sure I introduced his face to my boot heel, I pulled my gun out again and shot his arm, then shot Samantha's other leg, I started walking away when I got a phone call, I started walking back into the club when I answered it. 


"Ciao principessa, Blair ha cercato di dirti che era il tuo ex fidanzato pazzo..."

"Si papa, I know that my crazy ex-fiance was trying to find me he's lying in the alleyway with that whore"

"Oh, that's my piccolo Diavolo"

"Yeah well, I'm gonna head home now, love you daddy" 

I hung up my phone and walked towards the dance floor, stopping and frozen in fear, there he was, Tom, kissing another girl, their bodies pushed up against each other. I felt my heart shatter. I let my walls down again and I get hurt, again. he stopped and looked at me, tears flooded my eyes. I ran past him towards the booth looking at Quade, grabbing my things and jumped down the stairs. I felt a warm touch on my shoulder, I knew who it was, I looked behind me and saw two brown eyes looking at me. tears started pouring down my cheeks, I swatted his hand away and ran out the door, hearing my name being called.



I couldn't stop, not after what I saw, I ran to my car and froze, my eyes filled with fear, I looked behind me to see a gun being pointed at my head, my expression changed when I saw them run out of the door, looking at me. my expression went blank. I looked back at the person and sighed, I looked down and held my breath.

"do it... shoot me I dare you to"

I looked up, hair covered one of my eyes. I pulled a gun from out under my skirt and aimed it to the shooters head. 


I could tell that they were contemplating whether they pull it or not, but I wasn't waiting, I watched as they dropped in front of me, their lifeless corpse dropping at my feet, and as to think I could get a night off but no, then all of a sudden a sharp pain entered my lower back, right underneath my liver, a blood-curdling scream left my body. followed by complete darkness.


The last thing I heard, Toms voice followed by the painful yell of Quade.

"T-Thomas... Quade?"

then the speeding sound of my car engine.

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