Chapter 24 - Visitor

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I opened my eyes to be blinded with a bright light, I turned my head to see a tall brown-haired person in a black suit his eyes lit up like a child at Christmas, I used my strength to smile at him which was quite painful. The sound of dress shoes hitting against the pale green lino flooring came towards me, a gentle hand wrapped around mine and squeezed it lightly, his deep voice was soft and not filled with power and dominance like always, it sounded relieved and happy.

"You're awake..."

I nodded my head and forced myself to speak

"I'm awake..."

A smile grew on his face and he lightly stroked his thumb over my hand then letting it go and turning towards the door. A girl stood there she looked about 18 and had light hazel brown eyes, and blonde hair with brown roots, her smile dropped when she saw Tom.

"Tom, why are you in this room?"

"Freya, a word outside now..."

I saw as they left the room and I turned to Alex and Blair, they came rushing over to me and sat down

"Grim, omg you're ok!"

"I guess..."

I was surprised at the shocked ton in Alex's voice, I mean she should've known I would've fought to stay alive.

"Just out of curiosity when am I allowed out?"

"ansioso di partire così presto, cara sorella?
(Eager to leave so soon, aye darling sister?)

"Si, sono"
(yes, I am)

I sat up and winced at the pain that shot through my body, I turned back to the door and saw Freya and Tom standing there glaring at each other.

"what's all that about?"

I looked back at Blair and pointed at them.

"Siblings, they fight all the time"

I never knew they were siblings, I didn't want to comment on it so I let it slide, hours past and Freya left, then Alex and then the boys, they said they'll come back later but like hell I was staying here, I've woken up about 5 or so hours ago and I already want to leave. I grabbed the wires that stuck out of my arms and ripped them off, I pulled the covers off me and placed my feet against the cold floor, I walked over to one of the bags that the guys left here and went through it pulling out some shorts which were Alex's and an oversized shirt which had the name Hellbourne on the back, I put them on and walked out of the room, trying to hide from my doctors, I ran out of the hospital and ran right back to the boys place and ran through the door.


I looked up and held my breath, shit I was spotted. I looked to see Blair, Tom and Alex.


"what are you doing back here?! YOU WEREN'T ALLOWED OUT!"

"I saw myself out"

I stumbled across the room to the stairs and placed my hand on the glass rail.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to bed"

"You're still tired"

"Yes, I am still tired Thomas, I might have been in a coma but that doesn't mean I'm never not tired"

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked upstairs to my room only to be stopped by someone.

"good evening ma'am"

I turned to see someone who was one of my most loyal bodyguards. He was around the age of 26, deep oak brown short crew cut type hairstyle, deep blue eyes that stabbed the souls of the innocent, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Phil, seriously... ma'am?!"

"what I'm your bodyguard right?"

"Yes, but you're also my brother! And instead of treating like we only work together you can, oh I don't know. TREAT ME LIKE YOUR FUCKING SISTER AND NOT SOME GIRL YOU'RE FORCED TO PROTECT?!"

We were interrupted by Blair walking up the stairs and standing between us.

"Fucking hell you two, stop arguing"

"Fuck off Blair"

"Oi don't speak to him like that!"

"Or what shitface? Huh, what are you gonna do princess"?

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room slamming the door, I looked down and pushed my hair behind my ears.

"Hello, Sweetheart..."

I looked up and saw him...


"Or what? You gonna call your daddy to come and save you?"

He stepped closer to me until my back was against the door, his hand trailed up my arm and around my neck, his grip got tighter and tighter, my breath left my body and I couldn't feel the ground anymore, tears fell down my cheeks like waterfalls off a rocky cliff, this was it he was going to kill me...

It started with a whisper... {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now