Chapter 30 - Mafia ball part 1

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The breakfast was like old times, us arguing about politics and my future, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"Grim, non stai diventando il leader della mafia, capito ?!"
(Grim, you're not becoming the mafia leader, got it?!)

"Grandmama, È la mia vita, la guiderò come voglio"
(Grandmama, it's my life, I'm going to lead it how I want)

I stormed off to my room, she always brought up that topic, why doesn't she want me to be a leader?! Mama was one, hell she was even one. I sighed and closed my door, let's get ready, I walked over into my bathroom and looked in the mirror, how the fuck was I going to do my makeup or my hair for that matter, I shook my head and walked to my bed sitting down on it, an hour past and an idea came to my head, I started with my make up, I did my typical neutral eyeshadow and eyeliner with mascara, I applied my blush to the apples of my cheeks then looked in the mirror, I carefully added my signature deep red matte lipstick. I smiled and pulled my hair into a low messy but tidy bun letting my baby hairs fall across my face, I reached for my silver heart key necklace and placed it around my neck, dangling earrings hung from my ears I put on my dress and pulled on my black lace garter then slid my handguns in them, I placed a knife on my other leg in its case, I finished the look by putting on my shoes. I walked over to my bookshelf and careful pulled a box down, I opened it and inside was a black metal phantom mask which only covered my eyes, I put it on and sighed, I grabbed a small black crystal clutch and put my phone and a small gun in it, I put a few small vials of poison and anti roofie pills, I looked in the mirror for the last time and sighed, the ball was held at our house so everything was fine I didn't have to go anywhere I heard a knock on the door and walked over to it, I opened the door and saw Alex and Greta.

"Hey, come in"

I stepped aside and Greta was the first to walk in, she wore a floor-length, off the shoulder , tulle deep green dress, on her feet were Utopia neutral block heels, her eyes were smoky and her lips were a deep green which complimented her dress well her hair was loose but tidy, I looked at Alex and smiled, she wore a fairy floral pink ball gown with off the shoulder butterfly sleeves, she wore vintage blush pink designer heels which were decorated in small flowers, I looked at her hair which was done in a fancy ponytail with curls for days, she wore no eyeshadow but a bright pink lipstick.

"Alex, not to be rude or anything but why are you wearing bright pink? This is a mafia ball you know that aye?"

"I do, I wanted to wear this"

I smiled more and sighed

"You ready girls?"

They both nod and head back downstairs, their heels hitting the marble floor fading into the distance, I took a deep breath and followed behind them, I looked over the rails into the main room where the ball was held, Blair looked at me and nodded which I returned back to him, he placed his hand around Alex's hips and placed a small kiss on her head, he wore a typical black suit, mind you all the men there did.

"Freckles, why are you up here I thought you would be down there already drunk"

I looked at Jacob and rolled my eyes

"You wish assface"

"I do indeed, but come on dad's expecting you to be there soon"

"I know"

He looked like he was about to say something else but walked off, he met up with Greta and Aura-lee who was wearing her blue princess dress with a little tiara on her head, I took in the atmosphere and bit my tongue, I looked around and saw papa talking with someone, he had brown curly hair, freckles on his face and that smile, it was Tom. I continued to look around and I saw my target, Samantha, she wore a short mustard yellow dress which probably didn't even cover her ass, I was too blinded by the dress to notice anything else, I scanned the room again and noticed a few people wearing masks, and when I mean few I mean majority of them, the music started fading out and I heard a voice, papa was speaking.

"Hello everyone and welcome to this year's mafia ball where everyone has a truce..."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, truce my ass papa. He continued talking and I stood on the landing where I always stood in these occasions, I walked down the stairs slowly once he finished speaking, everyone turned their heads to me and I walked down slower, I looked over to where Alex, Greta, Blair and Jacob were and walked to them, I felt that stare that Tom gave me when he tried to find something out I ignored it for the first time and stood with my family, I told them the plan and what was going to happen

"Ok, so who is gonna try and get her in a private space?"

"Grim, why not you... say you wanna talk things out"

"I'll talk things out when I'm dead... maybe a few days later as well, just to make sure I'm dead actually no... make it a few years"

The girls laughed and the boys just did the typical family eye roll and walked off to get some drinks, Samantha was by herself time for me to strike... no way am I going to let her leave tonight... well not alive

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