Chapter 35 - Sleeping monster

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(Grim's dreams and nightmares are based off past events)

I stood there like a statue as I saw the office explode in front of me, shards and shrapnel flew past my head, some lodging themselves into my body, the wind pulled my hair back and the pressure dragged me into the window of a 1968 dodge charger, few minutes passed by slowly and painfully, I opened my eyes to see dust floating ever so gracefully around everything, a few 100 meters stood where the office would've been built, proud and tall. Tears stung my eyes, that was the first time I've cried since my wedding that was supposed to be a year ago, I screamed at the top of my letting my voice shatter the quiet.


My voice broke as I screamed his name, I struggled to my feet, wincing at the pain from the glass stabbing my skin, joining the concrete from the building. I ran into a crumbled mess, tripping over fallen bricks and decapitated body parts, I ran into what would've been the reception room and froze, lying in almost the middle of the room was a boy with curly ginger hair and pale skin, his face turned to me and I let the tears fall more, I stumbled over to him and fell to my knees, his evergreen eyes grew duller by the minute, I cupped his cheeks softly and let my tears fall onto his cheeks, mixing with the crimson blood that streamed from the top of his head, his eyes closed shut and his breathing stopped, blood surrounded us, trapping us in a small lake. My voice turned into a quiet whisper, barely hearable.

"L-Leighton, please don't go..."

(present) (Tom's Pov)

I was woken by a girl screaming, I ran out of my bedroom and saw Blair racing down the hall and breaking down the door to someone's room, everyone else followed so I joined, I found myself in a red and black room, I looked at the bed and saw a girl with messy brown hair covering her face, and sobs escaping her body, she held onto Harvey tightly and cried into his shoulder, his hand was placed on the back of her head and he was hushing her and telling her to calm.

"Freckles what happened?"

Her sobs grew louder and louder until she screamed in heartbreak and pain, she pulled at her hair and pulled her knees towards her body and hugged them tightly

"G, tell us what happened"

G? so obviously Riley isn't her name. I saw one of her eyes which was bloodshot and flooded with tears

"I-I killed him"

"Wha- "


She scrunched up her nose and let all the tears fall from her eyes, she was an emotional wreck, her tears stained her cheeks, her screams could be heard from miles around, I looked at the clock that sat on her wall, 2:57 in the morning, I watched as Harvey picked her up gently and carried her down to the lounge where he placed her on the couch, her hair was still tangled in her fingers and looked messier than before, I ran my hand through my curly mess that I call bed hair, I sat down opposite her and managed to catch her gaze, her eyes were redder than before and dark, they grew more emotionless as the minutes past until no more tears fell from her eyes, her cheeks were dabbled with freckles and looked slightly familiar, I shook my head thinking that I knew her from somewhere. I walked over to her and knelt next to her, the sad puppy dog eyes caught mine and they weakened, even more, she turned away and I caught the sight of her pink lips, they looked soft and inviting. I sighed and looked at the guys, they all turned to me and Jacob palmed his forehead. I looked back at Riley and saw her cheeks go a slight ting of blush pink, I looked down and realized I didn't have my shirt on, I got up and took Blair's jacket off him and wrapped it around my upper body, the silence was broken by the broken voice of a girl who's lost someone important

"I-I was the one w-who k-killed h-him"

I turned back to her and then back to the guys

"What is she on about?"

Before any of them could answer she stood up and moved her way slowly to us, her head pointing towards the floor.

"L-Leighton Yillz..."

"Wait the guy who got blown up?"

"I-I'm responsible for his death... w-why didn't I g-get killed i-instead!?"

She collapsed to the floor and hugged herself tightly, her nails dug into her sleeves ripping it, causing the smallest hint of blood to show, we were interrupted by someone yelling from the other side of the house, and it was all in Greek, no clue what she was saying


"What is she even saying?"

I turned to Blair confused and fearing for my life. He shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Sweetness, Mumma's coming"

I looked slightly concerned and all we heard was thumping coming closer and closer, we all turned to face the door, not knowing that everyone would be yelled at.


The door flew open and, in the doorway, stood something terrifying, Alexia Biros, her short curls covered her face and she was pissed, like run and hide pissed or she kills you. The door bounced back and we saw a hole where the handle hit it, her eyes looked possessed and truth be told she was scary, her other hand was in a tight fist and her veins were popping out of her wrists, she lifted it up and slammed it against the wall, leaving another hole, god how much damage can she cause in one minute, she glared at everyone but her eyes quickly softened when she saw Riley, she pushed past everyone and pulled her in close, cradling her like what a mother would do to her baby, hushing her when her sobs got louder.

"Shortcake, what was the nightmare about..."

She placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and started rocking, Riley still in her arms. I looked at Blair and he was jealous, and truth be told so was I. I looked back at them and felt my heart shatter when I heard the weakness and vulnerability in Riley's voice.

"L-Leighton. E-Explosion. D-Death..."

Alex hushed her again and looked at the boys.

"We are all staying out here tonight, got it? So, get blankets, pillows and whatever else you need and get it all down here, she can't go back to her room, not in this state"

We all nodded and started walking off, I heard my voice being called and I looked behind me to see Riley snuggled into Alex and snoring softly, she looked quite cute asleep, Alex caught my eyes and she signalled me to come over to where they were.

"Can you take care of her for the moment, I need to get her pills"

I nodded and carefully picked Riley up off Alex, I felt her snuggle into my chest and my heart fluttered a little bit, Alexia gently placed another kiss on her forehead.

"I'll return soon"

I nodded again and watched as she disappeared into the hallways, I sat down on the couch and felt her sprawl out on top of me, her hands tangled with Blairs jacket, I placed my hands on her lower back and slowly drifted away to sleep, G... what does it stand for and why do I feel like I know you.

It started with a whisper... {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now