Chapter 28 - Moving back home

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I woke up to an empty bed and a note on the bedside table, "Hey, sorry I can't see you this morning I enjoyed last night, we will be home later" I looked at the clocked and sat up quickly 1:39 pm. I grabbed my clothes and ran to my bedroom avoiding everyone, I got into the shower and came out a few minutes later, I walked over to my closet and pulled it open looking through my gear, I pulled out a cropped black singlet and my ripped jeans. I walked over to my vanity dresser and did my simple makeup, I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and grabbed my jacket, I walked back over to my closet and shoved some clothes aside revealing my reaper gear, I pulled out a black bandana and a pair of glasses and put them on just letting the bandana hang around my neck, I pulled out a small silver necklace and placed it around my neck. I placed some rope and grappling hooks into my duffle bag then grabbed it and walked out of my room running into Phil, I looked up and him and scowled at him.

"Where are you going?"

"Get the fuck out of my way Phil, it's not your fucking business"

I shoved him into the wall causing him to break a small hole in it from his shoulder. I walked into the armoury, I sighed and walked to the gun section and heard a small cough from behind me.

"What do you want Alex?"

I wasn't going to turn around because I was occupied by finding a decent gun.

"Back to work huh?"

"Yep... but I guess that isn't the reason why you're here"

"Yeah you're right, what happened between you and Tom last night you two were arguing really loud"

"Last night is history when the guys come home tell them I'm gone on a business trip, Blair will understand"

"What about Tom?"

"What about Thomas?"

"What will I tell him, you obviously don't want him to find you"

"They won't"

I grabbed my Barrett M82 and walked out, past Alex and to the kitchen. I wrote a note and stuck it to the fridge "Will be gone for a few weeks maybe months, don't find me or contact me" I turned the paper over and wrote "See you at the fiesta" I grabbed my keys and headed back to my room packing some clothes and gear I'll need. I picked up my phone and shoved it in my back pocket then walked out to my car.


"yes, Alex I'm sorry but I wanna get this Grim Reaper shit over and done with"

"But the ball is tomorrow night..."

"I'll be back, it's a masked one, or well I'll be wearing a mask you guys do what you want, no one will know it's me. I'm gonna stay at papas for a few days then I'm heading out. Just make sure you wear that earpiece and tell Blair to do the same thing, the target will be there."

She nodded and I gave her a tight hug, she placed a small kiss on my cheek and pulled away.

"Stay safe, contact me once a day every night so I know you're alive and safe ok"

"Yes, yes I know the drill Al"

I laughed and got into my car turning it on, the low grunt of the engine roared alive, I drove out the driveway and down the road to my fathers, I passed a familiar looking car and realized it was my brothers, obviously Jacob was down for the ball, which means all of my fucking siblings will be there. I pulled up to a huge villa styled mansion, It was well kept after and extremely welcoming, I pulled into the underground garage only to be welcomed by someone.


"Hi Papa, I called, didn't I?"

"Si, you did but I wasn't expecting you to show up this early"

"Sorry, but where's Grandmama?"

"She's upstairs, with your dogs"

"With Lupo or Carina? "


I grabbed my things from my car and walked with papa up the lounge, there she was.

"Ciao grandmama"

"Grim dear"

She walked over to me, her jet-black hair had shades of grey streaked through, her brown eyes looked redder than anything but were very welcoming, she smelt of freshly baked sweets and bread, and her smile never left her face. She embraced with a warm and tight hug.

"Grim Riley, how are you, my precious grandchild?"

"I'm fine grandmama, how's Italy and grandpapa"

"Oh, they are both fine, your grandfather is just in the kitchen"

"Grim, go put your things away, then come back here ok?"

"Si, papa"

I walked up to my room and opened the door, I was welcomed with the sight of my old room, red's and blacks everywhere, doors leading to my walk-in closet and to my bathroom, another door leading to my balcony and plants outside, I sighed and threw my stuff on the floor and heard barking from outside my door, I opened it and was immediately greeted by my German Shepard Carina, and my golden retriever, Lupo. I bent down and was greeted by kisses from them. I laughed and ran back downstairs to my family and saw someone who I've missed dearly



I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him, he pulled me in for a tight hug and placed a kiss on my head, how I missed him. I looked up at him and smiled, his hair was a dark shade of grey, his eyes were a hazel brown, unlike grandmama who smelt of sweets he smelt of spices and herbs.

"Coccole, come va?"
(cuddles, how are you?)

"Sto bene, come va l'Italia? quando posso tornare per una vacanza, mi manca Vinci"
(I'm fine, how's Italy? when can I come back for a holiday, I miss Vinci)

" presto mia cara"
(soon my darling)

I missed my grandparents, I have been to Italy to see them numerous times, but only for a few days then it was back home, Vinci was grandpapa's best mate, he always had the best food no offence to grandmama, I heard the doorbell go off and I walked over to it and opened it carefully.


"Hello freckles"

I looked up and screamed like a 5-year-old.


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