Chapter 33 - Family history

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I walked into the lounge and sat down, I heard a gentle voice from behind me and saw Greta looking at me, she walked over to the bench and grabbed a few beers from the fridge.

"Up for drinks?"

"Always Greta, always"

I put my feet up on the coffee table and watched as everyone else walked into the room, the boys sat opposite me and the girls sat next to me, I clicked my tongue and stared at them, the room was quiet and the tension became thick once more, I placed my unopen bottle on the table and leant forwards


"Riley, what's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes and leant back into my seat

"For once please don't ask if I'm ok! One fucking day!"

"shit sorry"

I glared at my father and threw my boots across the other side of the room, I looked at the roof and closed my eyes, I love my family but for once I wish they'll stop worrying about me. I lifted my neck up and looked back at my family, I reached for my mask and pulled it up a little bit higher.

"Miss reaper, why won't you take off your mask?"

"Cause I don't fucking know or trust you asshole"

I shot a look at tom and stood up, I walked to the glass door which lead onto the balcony and looked out of it.

"Wait, Harvey is this your place?"

"No, it isn't actually, It's Riley's"

"no, it isn't papa, it's my grandparents I live here though"

"How does that work"

I tilted my head to everyone and leant on the door.

"My grandparents live in Italy, they own this place, but I take care of it"

"I guess that kinda explains it"


"So, who are your grandparents"

I choked on my breath and placed my hand on my chest a thought came over my head and I turned to my father

"Yes papa, explain who your father and mother are"

He glared at me and sighed

"Vincent Salvatore Piear..."

I looked at tom and laughed at his reaction, he looked scared shitless

"Yes, and who's grandmama?"

"Filomena Sarita Rosemund"


"yes asswipe?"

I looked at tom and raised an eyebrow, he looked at me and sat up quite stiffly

"So, your grandfather is Vincent, the world's deadliest and most dangerous crime lord ever to walk the face of the earth, and your grandmother is- "

"Yes, grandmama is Filomena, the world's greatest singer ever..."

I rolled my eyes and saw a black and white rolls Royce pull up in my driveway, I ran to the door and looked out the window.


I opened to door and ran to the car; I saw them earlier today but that didn't mean anything I was worried that they didn't make it out of that hell hole

"Grandmama! Grandpapa!"

I ran up to them and gave them a tight hug, I let out a sigh of relief and pulled away

"Thank god you're ok"

"I'm always ok Coccole"

"Yeah I know grandpapa"

I walked with them inside and started laughing, I stopped when I saw the look that came from my father, it wasn't good.

"Please take a seat"

I pointed to the couch and signalled them to sit, I sat next to them and sunk into my seat.

"Now that the family is here"

"Harvey, solo un momento, who is this?"

"Hm? Oh, that's Blairs best mate, Tom Hellbourne"

"well nice to meet you, Tom, what's your job"

"Hello sir, I'm the American leader"

"Coccole I thought you killed him"

I leant on the arm of the chair and rolled my eyes

"Si grandpapa, I did kill him, this is the new leader who papa put as the leader"

"Oh, ok then, Harvey continue"

"I tend to padre, now as you know Riley has killed her latest target"

"And may I say, I had great pleasure in doing so"

"Yes, sweetie I know, now Riley you need a new target so we can talk about the plan"

"Yeah, grandpapa who is my latest victim"

I saw him run his hand through his gelled back hair and look down, I know that isn't good. He handed me a paper and looked at me with dead eyes, I unfolded the paper and my eyes widened


I stood up but quickly fell over the table, my mind was a mess, my family looked at the paper and had the same reaction as me yet it wasn't that bad.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice sweetness"

"Padre you can't be serious, why is she killing my brother?!"

"For one reason Harvey"

"Yes, I know the reason but he's my brother"

I looked up from the floor confused

"What's the reason?"

Everything fell back to silence; this was seriously not good.

"Sweetie, I don't think you want to know"

I looked at grandmama and frowned, this was torture.

"Ok, so what I can't be trusted?"

"It's not that"



I turned to grandpapa and tears stung my eyes, I wasn't going to let them fall. I made sure my bandana was still covering the lower half of my face and took a deep breath

"w-what do you mean?"

It started with a whisper... {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now