Chapter 31 - Mafia ball part 2

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I was pulled into a corner and pinned up against the wall, I was expecting Charles to be there, but he wasn't...

"Blair... what are you doing?!"

"Where the fuck have you been? You just left with no explanation! Hell, Alex wouldn't even tell me where you were?!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him only to be dragged over to my family

"Padre, non hai mai detto che quel torvo sarebbe tornato a casa"
(Father, you never fucking said that grim was coming back home)

"Blair, non devo dirti niente ... Sono tuo padre, non devo dire cazzate"
(Blair, I don't have to tell you anything... I'm your father I don't have to say shit)

I stood there with my arms folded and in the middle of their argument, I felt a small nudge on my shoulder and turned my head to Alex, she pointed over towards the bar and I followed her hand, my eyes froze on two people standing there kissing, one had their arms around the other's neck and the other had their arms around the other's hips. Tom and Samantha... I completely zoned out when I saw the smile on both their faces. I felt a cold hand touch my body and I fell back into reality hard, I couldn't care anymore, I walked off to one of the rooms that went off the main room where the ball was held, I kicked down a door and pulled off my dress and threw off my shoes, I put on my black jeans, my black singlet and my leather jacket, I put my timberlands back on and sighed, I put a cap on to hide the fact that I was a girl, I grabbed my black skull bandana and tied it up to cover my mouth, I pulled the cap down over my eyes and grabbed my gun out of the duffle bag my Barrett M82 which I borrowed from the boys, I loaded my handgun as well and walked back out only to hear whispers from other leaders. I looked at my siblings and nodded at them, their eyes widened in fear. I walked directly over to Samantha and placed the barrel of my gun against her back and whispered in her ear

"Peek-a-boo, I see you~"

I felt her tense up and she turned to me, a warm and dangerous feeling came over my body her eyes were wider than an owl and filled with fear. She stumbled over a chair and landed on her back she crawled back frantically trying to stand up,

"P-please... don't hurt me... i-I didn't do anything wrong!"

The fear in her voice filled my ego, I placed my gun down on the table next to me and laughed

"Darling you did... you ruined my life"

"B-but what does that have to do with you k-killing me?"

"It's my job you're on my list"

I pulled out a piece of torn-up paper and held it in front of her face making sure she could see her name, I let her stand up and get her balance back, I shoved my hands in my back pockets and leant to the side, god I love my job. I clicked my knuckles then rolled my head around making sure every bone in it clicked, I heard someone say something behind me.


I turned around and saw a gun being held to my head, I scoffed and tilted it away from my face and turned back to face her, I grabbed the collar of her dress and pulled her close to me, I tilted my head up slightly so she could see my eyes, I noticed her eyes widened more

"Widen your eyes more they'll fall out of your head darling"

I lifted her off the ground and threw her at the table making sure she broke it, she looked at me and started crying

"I-it's you?"

I nodded and shoved her out of the window, I watched as the glass pierced her skin, everything felt slow, I saw as her eyes went lifeless and I saw how tiny red droplets rained from the sky, the last thing I saw was her taking her last breath then leaving the face of the earth forever, I heard a gun cock behind me and I turned around and found myself surrounded by men who all carried handguns.

"FBI, Grim reaper you are under arrest for the murders of the mafia leaders, so if you will co-operate with us sir, we won't shoot"

I started laughing and placed my hands up behind my head before they could even ask, I sighed and looked down.

"What are you doing?!"

My head snapped up when I heard my fathers voice boom through the quiet room

"Sir, we are taking him- "


"Wait... daughter? No that's Harvey peiar..."

"No that isn't I'm Harvey, that is my daughter"

I started laughing even more and I put my hands by my side, I heard more gun's cock and I rolled my shoulder to calm my nerve, I started clapping and spoke up

"Right you are Papa"

It started with a whisper... {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now