Chapter 14 - Private business

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I saw his eyes widen, even more, he looked like a goddamn owl, I sighed and cleared my throat. 

"As I said in my email I sent you I am willing to make a deal"

I straightened out the papers that sat on my desk in front of me, I glanced back to him and waited, my patience was very thin with him, I've been giving him many chances to pay me back.

"Y-yes I saw the email M-Ma'am"

"and what are you proposing? unless you have the money"

"I... was thinking about marriage"

I froze at that word... marriage. I placed the papers down and raised an eyebrow.


"well I feel like if I propose marriage to you that pays off the debt I mean you can settle down"

I leant over my desk making sure he could see down my shirt and whispered

"No... marriage does not count, you took over 4 million dollars marriage doesn't come close to that"

his eyes glanced down my shirt and he gulped, I sat back down on my seat and read through the information papers I had of him. 

"Anyways, James Termine it says you were married a few times. They only lasted a few months I guess and you married them for money since they were rich, then you went gambling lost all the money, then found some other rich woman married her divorced her shortly after then so on so on, then when no one wanted to marry you, you came to me asking for a loan, you took the money knowing your going to have to pay it back"

I stood up and placed my hands firmly against my desk. 

"yes... but I offered you marriage"

"Indeed you did James, but you knew taking a loan from me would mean you had to pay me back, I gave you a deadline for when I needed the money back, yet you failed to meet those terms so I gave you a few months extra, you also failed at that so here you are now sitting in my office saying that you will offer me marriage in return of you paying off the 4 million dollars you owe me, only to waste all my money gambling then leaving shortly afterwards cause we all know you have a gambling issue"

he stood up and slammed his fist into my desk hoping to scare me, yet he didn't. His eyes were filled with anger and annoyance.


I stood there, staring at him, I scoffed at his threat.

"well, Mr Termine, I'm only stating the obvious, it's extremely clear that you have a gambling issue if you can't see it yourself then you also have an issue"

his eyes were filled with fire, one more word out of me would pop a blood vessel, but he didn't scare me, not one bit. 

"now, if you would sit down we will discuss how you will pay-"


"hm? what was that"

I looked back up to his gaze, I licked the inside of my cheek and sat there.

"What did you say, James?"

his expression changed from anger to his nervous self from before, I rose from my chair and pulled out a Glock aiming it in between his eyes.

"Don't you come into my office, disrespect me, then try and threaten me. This is where I work, so before you try and threaten me once more, get this into your di spessore brain of yours, or since you don't understand Italian, your thick brain. since you couldn't pay me back I have no choice but to execute you, I gave you a deadline and you have neglected it, I gave you more than enough chances, every one of them you have once again failed"

his eyes were now full of fear, this is what happens when you don't pay off a mafia child.

"My father tried teaching me to have patience, but mine has worn thin with you. Well I mean so would yours when someone who owes you money doesn't pay you back, especially when your the worlds most wanted hitman"

"w-wait... you're the grim reaper?!"

"Indeed I am"

I smiled and winked at him 


I watched him fall to the ground I stepped past the body and put my gun down, I headed for the door grabbing my things on the way past, I looked at the clock 11:53... long bloody meeting. I walked out and looked up seeing Darla talking with a brown curly-haired person. 

"Oh, how was your meeting Miss -"

"Darla, a quick word"

I walked back into my office and spoke quietly with her. 

"Ok, so he doesn't know I'm Harvey's kid ok?"

"right got ya"

we walked out and I started closing the door only to be stopped by Tom.

"Grim, care to explain why there is a dead body in your office?"

"Hm... I'll tell you on the way"

I started walking out waving at Darla as the elevator door closed, I felt his eyes on me, I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders. 


"You gonna tell me why there was a dead body in your office?"

"In the car, I can't trust some people in the office"

"wait... why not?"

"Because some aren't actually workers they are spies..."

the elevator door opened and I grabbed his hand walked out to his car and hoping in it, he turned it on and speed away from work. 

"Grim, now tell me everything"

"You know how I mentioned before..."

It started with a whisper... {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now