(Fanfiction of Main Character) 𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙

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"Love is the abscence of judgement." - Dalai Lama XIV

Kwon Kyung Mi POV

Lunch was so much fun! The girls are hilarious, but my only concern was when Jennie didn't show up. She's a ghost in this household and I intend to find out why. 

I change into black pajamas and pull the vent out of the wall. I grab chairs and pull them over until I can finally reach the vent. I climb into the vent and crawl around. I hear Jennie's voice through the vents. I peer through the vents at Jennie. 

Her voice was soft and deadly as she spoke on the black phone, "Jungkook hand over the money or face the consequences."

"You're gang or whatver is weaker than ours, you're in debt, and we're offering you a way out of all of this. Join our gang and everything will be fine."

"Namjoon will realize how lucky you are once you join us. Based off what you told me about your other members, they will join you. Namjoon will have no choice but to accept that you are no longer a small time gang. You're part of something bigger."

"Try to touch my members and I will personally fill you with gunpowder and send you as a gift to the neighbouring gangs."

"Well then. Goodbye Jungkook," She said pulling the phone away.

My face slowly paled. I realized that living with these girls had made me forget what they were truly capable of. These girls could bring the world to their feet if they truly wanted too. 

I instinctively hide as Jennie's eyes rake over the room. I slowly crawl backwards and back to my room. I get down and quickly push the grate back in and move the chairs back to where they belong. I lay back down on the bed and pretend to be reading.

The door slams open revealing an very excited Lisa, a bored Chae, and a smiling Jisoo.

"We have a meeting."

"Let's go Shopping!"

"I'll teach you how to cook."

They said all together. They turned looking confused at one another.

"Jennie called a meeting and wants Kyung Mi to come," Chae explains.

Jisoo and Lisa's smiles fall as they gently pluck the book away from me and pick me up.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa! Put me down! I can walk!" I protest as they carry me down the stairs. from the corner of my eyes I see Rosé smiling amusedly. 

I glare at her as she innocently pouts. Knowing I can't be mad at her for long I turn my head away from her and face forward as the girls place me down on the couch. I look at the unfamiliar settings and recognize this room as the one Jennie was taking her phone call in. 

My palms begin to sweat as I wait anxiously for what Jennie has to say next. 

"As you all should know, the Japanese Mafia is willing to surrender. Good Work Lisa," she nods absentmindedly in Lisa's direction,"Their daughter is going to be negotiating on behalf of them. We need to prepare an extra room for her. Kyung Mi will be starting as a maid from today onwards, if I hear a single complaint from our guests you can enjoy the basement."

My jaw drops. She expects me to be a maid?!

"Kyung Mi you are to prepare her a room. You are therefore dismissed from this meeting."

I leave the room as hot tears spill down my face. I furiously wipe at them.

I shouldn't have ever felt pity for that monster. 

I walk to my room and lock myself in it. I know I'm acting childish, but I can't believe she threatened me. The basement is horrible. It stinks and it's dark and it's also the place where I was kept when I first arrived here.

I grab my book and continue reading. My joy knew no bounds as Clary and Jace kiss. 

"Clace," I thought smiling to myself. I shipped them from the start.

My worries all but disappear as I read the book. Cassandra Clare is an amazing writer. We all can learn a thing or two from her. As I finish the book, I hear two loud sharp knocks on the door. I open the door to find Jennie standing ther witha furious expression. 

"Why aren't you working?" 

"I am. I am working on my vocab," I say acting innocent.

I was surprised as I felt a fist greet my face. I stumble back as Jennie advances. 

"You know what," she continues,"I think our guests would appreciate a little gift from us as a token of goodwill, and I know just the thing to give them." 

I gulp. She doesn't mean me does she? 

"I think you get what I'm onto here," she says smirking at my pale face.

I nod furiously, trying to keep the tears at bay. What did I do? Why did they bring me back? They should have just left me there. I would have been so much happier. I miss my old life.

"What are you thinking, bitch. Speak up," she orders.

"Y-y-yes M-m-ma'am," I stuuter.

"I like the sound of that, get it all done my midnight" she says laughing,"The room you have to clean is to the right and the 3rd room to the left. I nod and run away before she can harrass me further. 

I reach a massive room and start staring at the stained glass window and the colors decorating the room. It's beautiful.

I notice the cleaning utilities resting against the door. I sigh and start cleaning.

𝕸𝖆𝖋𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 (𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖝 𝕱𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)Where stories live. Discover now