Chapter 23: Evie's House

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Heidi's POV

The four of us walk up to Evie's house, "I really hope they find Ben." Mal sighs as Uma looks around at the place astonished, "Nice digs." I smile at Evie who just shrugs her shoulders, "I got a really good deal on it." The four us head inside to see Gigi Gothel asleep on one end of a couch and on the other end of the couch is sleeping Squeaky and Squirmy. I carefully walk over to Gigi who starts groaning and moving around, and I know from all the late nights I have with Henry that Gigi is having a nightmare. "It's okay. Shh! It's okay." I whisper soothing Gigi a little like I don Henry when he has one of his own nightmares.

I grab the red blanket off the back of the couch and drape it over Gigi and the twins, "Don't worry Gigi. We can fix this. And once we do, they're gonna let all the kids come from the isle. So, happy dreams." I say running my hand through her hair and Gigi seems to relax. Out of the blue the sound of very loud snoring catches all our attention, and Mal, Evie, and Uma all head back there. I walk away from Gigi and the twins and wander into the kitchen thinking about all the kids on the isle that I gave my word to that they one day could come to Auradon, suddenly the window in the kitchen burst open and in comes a cloud of green smoke that moves onto the other side of the counter and when the smoke clears I see Estella standing there. 

Estella is wearing her shoulder length blonde hair in a ponytail, a long sleeved dark green shirt that just reaches the start of her belly button, her mother's rose pendent necklace around her neck, a pair of light green shorts that stop right at the top of her knees, and a pair of brown high heels. "Estella, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you since you helped us out during Chris's curse." I walk around the counter and give her a big hug and it one that she returns, "I needed to find Mal and I this was one of the first places that I thought of."Estella and I pull out of the hug and I now notice how scared Estella seems to be,

"What's wrong? What has gotten you so shook up?" I gently take Estella's hand and lead her over to a chair, "Hayden hasn't just cursed Auradon, she has also cursed Ben." Estella sits down taking a few deep breaths as I stand in front of her."She put Ben to sleep?" I ask but Estella shakes her head, "She turn Ben to stone?" I ask and once again Estella shakes her head, "What she did to Ben is much worse than putting him to sleep or turning him to stone." Estella gets up of her seat and walks to the large table grabbing the bowl of punch, "She used my own curse against Ben." I look at her confused, but as she waves her handover the bowl of punch I look inside the punch to see Harry, Gil, Carlos, Clay,and Jay scrambling in the woods to avoid something. "What is going on?" I ask looking away from the punch bowl to Estella, but instead of answering me she just points back to bowl.

I look back into the bowl to see Ben but he isn't Ben anymore because instead he has been turned into a beast like his father. "The curse of the rose." I say looking as the guys try to avoid getting attacked by Ben. I turn my eyes away from the bowl as Estella waves her hand over it again turning it back to normal punch as the vision fades away, "Hayden turned Ben into the beast?" I say as I feel tears fill my eyes because I see now just how evil Hayden is. "I sent Jane to them and she has water from the enchanted lake, that should be break the spell Ben is under." I wipe the tears away from my eyes feeling like all of this is my fault, and that Uma was right when she said that I am the one to blame for everything Hayden has done because she is my responsibility. 

"Hayden needs to be stopped Estella, but I can't kill her because she is immortal and plus if she dies then so do I." Estella places her hands on my shoulders as I look up at her, "The magic that bonded you to as one has been broken, you and she are no along tied to each other in any shape or form." I look at her in shock and I wonder if Hayden is aware of this already, "How?" Estella just sighs, "I am not sure of the details I was only told by Mark that the bond was broken by Hayden paying a price for something." I smile not surprised that Mark would know that since Mark knows almost everything from the past, to the present, and into the future. "She took my powers, and only my father's ember can beat her but Uma has that." 

Estella just looks at me as she walks to the back door and opens it, "You need to stop hiding who you truly are Heidi, and until you fully embrace both the Auradon part of you and the Isle part of you, Hayden will always be victories over you." Before I say anything to her Estella cuts me off, "She's hear." Estella quickly engulfs herself into green smoke and goes out the door shutting behind her leaving me alone in the kitchen. The sound of a familiar voice from outside gets me to open the back door and walk outside and as I look around I see standing in the brush is Hayden and Morris, but they are not alone because Morris his tight grip on Harry.

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