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Being in love is different from what you think. I never thought that I would ever fall in love with my best friend because we were so close I never even thought about falling in love with her until I let her stay with me at my apartment for a week when she needed a place to stay while her family went to go visit her dad in America. 

My best friend deserves the best. Her Mum got a job up in London when she was just twelve years old. Her father had abandoned her in her time in need, and never trusted him afterwards, but every now and then her family went to go visit him, and she'll just come and stay with me because she can't stand her father.

My best friend's name is Toni Marsden. She's a year younger than I am, but she acts older than she is. She's the third of four sisters. There's her first older sister, Spencer, her second oldest sister, Allie and her younger sister Lucy. I met Toni when I was ten and she was nine. My family and I had flew out to America and I met Toni at a playground. Her Mum, Darlene, and my Mum Anne, switched numbers so we could keep in touch, after that, we became each other's best friend. 

Over our vacation time, I would sometimes fly out to stay with Toni's family and sometimes she'd flew out to stay with my family. When she turned twelve and I was thirteen, Toni's Mum gotten a job up in London and they moved right after her parents divorced. 

The moment Toni told me she was moving to England I couldn't be any happier, because I was finally going to get the chance to spend more time with her than before. We ended up going to the same school and living right down the street from each other, so we hung out everyday. 

Although Toni and I went to the same school, I graduated a year before she did because she's a year younger than I am. During her last year, Toni had a lot of stress. Her family faced a deep tragedy, she wasn't left alone at school and so on. Toni wasn't given a break.

My story is just about to begin, and it all starts off with Toni and her family's tragedy.

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