The Missing Journal (Toni's Point of View)

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Harry took me to school the next day and I kissed him goodbye. I went to my first class and met up with my friend Liam. I walked with him to my first class, and he asked me why I wasn't at school yesterday.

I explained to Liam that my sister Lucy had died and he just brought me in for a hug. I started telling him that I just began dating Harry, and that I've been with him lately. Then I also told him what happened between Harry and I last night. Liam just started chanting, "Get some, get some, get some." I lightly hit his arm and told him that I already got some and began writing about it in my journal. 

I took my journal with me everywhere, because I never know if anything good is ever going to happen. 

I finished writing in my journal about last night and closed it as soon as my teacher came in. As soon as my teacher walked in, I put my journal back in backpack, which was a really bad mistake, because the biggest bully in my grade happened to sit next behind me. He always picked on me since the day I first started school here with Harry only because I'm not English, which was really irritating. It's not my fault my Mom got a job here. 

Throughout th class all I could think about was two things. Lucy and Harry. I just couldn't get used to the fact that my little sister had died and I was now the youngest of my family. 

I asked my teacher to go to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to cry. It was probably a mistake to go back to school the week of my little sister's death, I should have taken the whole week off, but my Mom wouldn't like me missing too much school.

As soon as I got back to class, the bell had rang. Liam grabbed my bag for me and met me outside of the classroom. I took the bag from him only to realize that my journal was missing. 

"Oh no." I panicked. 

"What?" Liam asked as we stopped in the hallway randomly so I could dig through my bag for my journal.

"My journal, it's gone." 

"Maybe you dropped it in the classroom." 

"No, you would've noticed it on the floor." I said with a panic.

"Well why is it you need it now?" Liam asked.

"You don't understand Liam, that journal has all of my secrets in it. The last diary entry I wrote in there is about what Harry and I did last night. If any of my secrets from that journal gets out, I'll be too embarrassed to show my face."

"That doesn't sound pleasant."

I rolled my eyes and slapped Liam's arm. "Of course it's not pleasant Liam, someone in this school is reading my secrets right now, and is probably telling everyone else my secrets." 

"That isn't good." Liam said in a panic, as our other friends Niall and Zayn came over. I didn't have many girl friends when I moved to England, I pretty much had guy friends, and not just because of Harry.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Zayn asked.

"Someone took Toni's journal." Liam answered.

"Oh no, that's not good at all." Niall said sounding sarcastic.

"Niall you don't understand, that journal has all of her secrets in it!" Liam exclaimed.

"But her secrets aren't that bad. We know all of them." Zayn said.

"Not the last ten pages." I said.

"What's the last ten pages?" Niall asked.

"She just started dating Harry two days ago, and they...." Liam said as he widened his eyes so Niall and Zayn would know what he meant. "...last night." He finished.

"Oh that's not good at all." Niall said.

"Exactly! This school is going to know now." Liam said.

"Well where did you have your journal last?" Zayn asked.

"In class. But I was in the bathroom the last fifteen minutes. Anyone could have taken it?" I panicked.

"Okay, well we'll keep any eye out on your journal. What's it look like?" Niall asked.

"It's like a book, it's light blue and it has my name on it." I replied as the bell for the next class rang. "Great, what if people in my next class knows something already?"

"I don't think your secrets could spread that fast." Niall responded.

"Believe me, they will. I'll see you guys later." I said walking to my next class in shame.

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