Toni's Situation

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As soon as the school day ended, I walked out to my car so I could go pick up Toni. She was walking to a certain spot where I could pick her up. I didn't like her walking by herself because half the guys in her grade were rude and they liked humiliating girls, especially Toni since she's not from around her.

I parked around the corner from the school because I knew the parking lot was going to be full. I sat and waited for Toni to come to car. I waited for about thirty minutes, and usually she took ten minutes to get to my car. 

Since Toni was taking a while, I decided to get out of my car and walk to the school to meet up with Toni. I kept hearing things like "so, she can actually get some", "she actually had the guts to lose her virginity", "why don't you give us some baby?" as I walked and out of nowhere I heard a loud scream and some crying with a "LEAVE ME ALONE" shouted afterwards.

The scream, yelling and crying sounded like Toni so I began running. As soon as I got around the corner I saw three boys harassing Toni. I got on angry and something on the inside exploded. I made a run towards Toni, and practically took one of the guys that was on her down to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked angrily. 

"Relax dude, we're just trying to have a little fun." The guys laughed. 

I stood up and dusted myself off. "You alright?" I asked Toni in a whisper. She just slowly shook her head and cried. Her hair was messed up, her make-up was ruined, her clothes were practically ripped and so on. It literally look like she had been beaten in an alley. I turned around to face the guys who were trying to mess with her and literally yelled at them. "Why were you messing with her?" I asked angrily.

"We wanted to have some fun. We heard around the school that she was able to get some, and we figured we could get some." One of the boys laughed.

"So you think you can mess with someone else's girlfriend?" 

"Girlfriend? We just heard that she got some and dumped the guy." One of the other guys said.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked looking confused. "Because that's not true."

"We heard it from Stella." They all said.

"God, this sounds like something she'd do. Just do me a favor, and stay away from Toni. She's already had a hard time this week, next thing she needs is to be violated." I said angrily, as I grabbed Toni's hand and walked away, but before we continued walking, I stopped and turned around to warn the guys. "If I hear or find out that you were messing with Toni again, you'll regret it. You mess with her, you mess with me." I said as we continued walking.

Toni and I got to where the car was, and before we could get into the car, I took Toni into my arms and kissed the top of her head while hugging her tight. "It's alright. Shhh, I'm here now." I said as she cried on my chest. 

"It was so scary! I thought something worse was going to happen." She cried. 

"You're lucky I showed up. I started worrying when you weren't coming to the car." 

"Thank you so much Harry." She wept.

"I'll do anything to keep you safe Toni." I said kissing the top of her head. 

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