Nothing But Love

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Toni & I walked around for about an hour or so when we ran into our Mum's who were walking around together. Every now and then, our Mum's would hang out. They became close once Toni moved to London. Our families did everything together after that.

"Mum? Darlene?" I asked the moment I noticed them. We weren't expecting to run into them.

"Ah, Harry, Toni, so lovely to see you both." My Mum said as both our Mum's hugged us.

"You too Mum, how are you?" I asked as I kissed her cheek.

"I'm good. How are you?" She asked back.

"I'm great! Just taking Toni birthday shopping." One thing our Mum's didn't know was about the fight between Toni & Stella, but Toni covered up her black eye just so no one questioned her about it.

"How wonderful!" My Mum said.

Toni & I were planning on telling our Mum's that we decided to have a baby, and since we were with our Mum's now, I figured out why not tell them now.

"Mum" We both said to our mothers. "There's something we want to tell you both."

"What is it?" My Mum asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" Darlene asked looking worried.

"Toni and I got talking last night, and before you both say anything, we want you both to know that we are for sure serious about this..." I started to say after releasing a huge breath.

"Serious about what?" My Mum asked curiously.

"We know you're both going to get angry, but just remember that this is our decision." I said nervously.

"Harry, you're both eighteen, we can't always treat you like babies, but whatever you & Toni decided to do, we respect, whether we like it or not." My Mum explained. My Mum was very reasonable when it came to my decisions.

"Let's hope you respect this decision." Toni sighed.

"What did you both decide to do sweetie?" Darlene asked looking really worried.

Toni took in a huge breath and slowly released it. From the look on her face, it was obvious that she was nervous, especially since she was gripping onto my hand tightly. She was easily terrified.

"Mom, Anne.....Harry & I decided to have a baby...we know we're a little young and that we're not married, but this is something that we want. Harry & I want a baby..." Toni explained.

"...that's right, and Louis is moving out soon, and we can just turn his room into a nursery and--" 

"Harry, Harry, Harry," My Mum said getting me to shut up. "I don't know how Darlene feels , but for one, I may not like yours and Toni's decision, but if this is something that you both want, then the best I can do are your mother is support you both because I want you both to be happy." My Mum explained. With every stupid decision I made growing up, my Mum supported me through all of them, even if she didn't like my decisions, that's how my Mum is. She supports me through everything.

Toni & I looked over at Darlene waiting for her to say something after my Mum spoke. "I agree with Anne. If wanting a baby is something you both want to do, then I can't stop you. Just be smart about the decisions you both make."

"We will! Thank you for being supportive Mom." Toni said hugging Darlene.

"You're welcome baby." Darlene said as my Mum did the same thing with me.

"We both love you, no matter what you both decide to do. We'll always love you both." My Mum said as she rubbed my back.

"Thank you." We both said as we said goodbye to our Mum's and went home.

"Well that was easy." Toni stated.

"It quite was!" I agreed.

Once we got home, I made sure Louis wasn't around, and luckily he wasn't. Because Toni & I need our privacy for the next few hours.

Toni & I walked to our bedroom, set our shopping bags on the floor by the dresser, locked the door to our bedroom and began the start to our baby.

It started off with our hands cupped around our faces and we started kissing each other. Toni bit my bottom lip and made me weak at the knees. She made me weak when she bit my bottom lip.

I pinned Toni up against the wall and ran my hands up the sides of her shirt, just leaving my hands on her bra. Toni had the softest skin; I just loved touching it. I couldn't keep my hands off of Toni.

Toni took her shirt off and dropped it on the floor. I took mine off right before I started kissing Toni again, then I pulled her half naked body closer to mine.

Right when I started kissing Toni again, everything else we were wearing was all over the floor, and sooner than we knew it, we were under the blankets on the bed getting into it. I kissed Toni's neck and ended up giving her a hickey, which we call a love bite.

It may seem like Toni & I have sex a lot, but this is only our third time, and we were hoping for a baby. We weren't going to have one of those relationships that was based off sex. That just wasn't right, using Toni for sex, that's not how Toni should be treated.

As I laid on top of Toni, I placed my hand under her head and slowly pushed her face towards mine and kissed her deeply. Our mouths were fully opened, and we definitely used our tongues.

I did my best to be gentle with Toni, because the first two times I was pretty rough on her and this time I did my best not to hurt her.

Toni ran her hands down my chest then moved them back up and wrapped them around my neck as she continued kissing me.

Some people find it weird to have sex with their best friend, but I didn't. I always wondered what it'd be like to have sex with Toni since I was thirteen, even though she was only twelve, but I always wondered what it'd be like, and just as I pictured it, it was amazing. I didn't regret it one bit!

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