Staying Up With Toni

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After Toni & I bathed and laid out on the couch, we went into the bedroom after a while and just talked the whole night. We were up until sunrise literally.

"Harry, I've been meaning to ask you something that I'm very curious about." Toni said.

I was sitting straight up on our bed, while Toni laid her head on my lap. I put my arm over her stomach and began massaging it gently.

"And what's that love?"

"What is it you love about me?" She asked as she put her hands on my stomach and laid her head on top of them.

"That is such a hard question." I answered the moment I began thinking, because Toni asked me a really bad question. "Wow, you really asked a hard question." I chuckled.

Literally, I thought for about ten minutes it seemed like. "I would have to say, if I could choose one thing, the thing I love about you is that you're always there for me whenever I need you no matter what the situation is, that's what I really loved about you or the fact that you'll talk to me during any hour of the day, even when we should be now for instance. I love how we could just lay here and talk to each other."

"Me too. I love how I can just tell you anything."

"That's how I feel. I feel empty if I don't tell you everything."

"So do I. I just have to tell you everything. That's how I feel complete, and it makes me happy."

"I'm glad I can make you happy." I said while running fingers through her hair.

"You've always made me happy Harry. Since the day I met you." She said softly.

"You've made me happy since that day too. I don't want that happiness to go away either." I said. Toni had taken her head and hands off my stomach and laid on her side beside me. I turned onto my side so I could look at her. "I could just stare into your eyes forever and get lost in them."

"I could do the same with yours. I'd get lost easily in your green eyes. They're so beautiful! They're like a bright shade of green that can sometimes look blue depending on the lighting."

"Your brown eyes are just the same!" I stated.

"Yeah, but almost everyone has brown eyes, but no one has green eyes like yours. I love your eyes." Toni said as she put her hand on the side of my face.

"But your eyes look green in the sunlight, and they're beautiful!" I said stroking her cheek, then leaned in and kissed her with my lips opened.

I always kissed Toni with my lips opened, because I really loved her, and I couldn't stop kissing her. Sometimes I would use my tongue whenever we kissed and she'd use hers. We just couldn't stop.

Toni still happened to be in her robe. She kept it on because she hated her body, but honestly, she had nothing to worry about, so I untied her robe, brought her body closer to mine, took her arms out of the sleeves of her robe and threw it onto the floor.

"You don't need this on." I whispered while wrapping my arms around her.

"But my body is--"

"--perfect. I love your body. It's beautiful! You fit in my arms perfectly; your body doesn't need to change." I said pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Right that second, Toni chuckled and said: "Can you imagine, when I'm pregnant, there will be this big pregnant belly between us."

"A belly that I'll be rubbing constantly." I also chuckled. I wanted to have a family one day, and my Mum always told me that I'd make a great father and I think Toni would make the perfect Mum.

"Harry, this may sound crazy, but I've been thinking and...what if we do have a baby?"

I looked at Toni cradled in my arms. She was saying that she already wanted to have a baby. "Like now or later?" I asked confusingly.

"I was thinking sometime soon. I want us to have a family Harry, and I don't want to wait any longer. I want us to start having a family."

"You're not even graduated yet. You're telling me you want to have a baby and you'll go to school pregnant when you're always saying you're insecure about your appearance? Toni, just think about that!" I know I want to have a baby with Toni, but not while she's in school. I didn't want Stella humiliating Toni because she would be pregnant, especially if it were my kid.

"You're right!" Toni sighed. "Can we try after graduation next month?" She asked while playing with my hair.

"Of course we can. I just don't what Stella humiliating you because I got you pregnant, even if you do have a month left of school, she'll find out."

"You have a good point, but it does take a while for the baby to be made. It could take a month for me to find out I'm pregnant."

"But sometimes it can  be less than a month. I don't want to risk anything." I was trying to make Toni realized that what may happen, she could possibly regret.

"Harry please? I hardly ask you for anything, and this is something I really want. My mom had Spencer when she was seventeen, and I'm a lot like my Mom. I want us to have a baby."

"I know, it's what I want too, but you know how our Mum's are. They want us to have babies when we're married, especially your Mum, because she doesn't want you to have a kid before you're married. I want us to do things right Toni. I don't want to disappoint our Mum's."

"I don't want to disappoint them either, but Harry, we're eighteen, our Mom's can't tell us what to do. We're on our own now. Our Mom's didn't want us having sex until we were married, but we've already done it twice."

"You're right!" I sighed. Toni was right; the both of us wanted a baby and we really didn't want to wait. There was a month left of school for Toni until she graduated, and then came the summer, and I know Toni really wanted this, and I was up for it. "Alright, alright, alright. Let's try to have a baby." I smiled.

"Thank you so much Harry." Toni said excitedly while hugging me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"You're welcome Toni." For some reason I felt like we were doing the wrong thing by having a baby, but this is what we both wanted even if we aren't married, because we were going to end up married anyways, and us having a baby just couldn't seem to wait. And the both of us wanted a girl. I was hoping that if I had kids, my daughter would be born first.

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