The Night Of The Anniversary

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Toni and I sat on the swing talking about all the good times we had together over the years. It was nice to have someone to talk to that had a smile on their face.

When it was time to go home, I asked Toni what it was she wanted to do as soon as we got home, because the night still wasn't over, and since it was Friday, the night shouldn't end for us anytime soon.

"Don't you think it's time for us to head home?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't want to sleep yet."

"And we don't have to. The night isn't over yet, and we don't have any plans tomorrow, we could do whatever we want all night." I said kissing her neck. I was sitting with my legs straight out in front of me on the swing with Toni on my lap and my arms around her stomach. She fit in my arms perfectly since she was so petite. "so is there anything you want to do when we get home?" I asked.

"There is actually!" She answered.

"Alright, what is it you want to do?" I asked. I was curious of what she wanted to do.

"I want to go home, change into a T-shirt and some sweats, and just lay beside my boyfriend, wrapped in his arms and just lay by him all night."

"That's what you want to do?" I asked making sure she wouldn't change her mind.

"Yeah, that's what I want to do. What's better than spending my eighteenth birthday and our four month anniversary with you? Because, to tell you the truth Harry, I can't think of anything better. I love spending my time with you. That's why I can't wait until I graduate, because I'll have more time with you."

I smiled as I looked at Toni, then turned her face so I could kiss her. "So many feelings are going through my head right now, and I can't think of a single word to tell you right now because I have so many." I smiled.

"Me neither." She said softly.

"Why don't we go home and share some of those feelings?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. I assume my Mom and sisters are sleeping since all the lights are off. Let's just leave through the side gate."

"After you." I said as we stood up, held each other's hands and left.

We got in my car and drove home. First thing we did was change into some comfortable clothes, which to us were baggy shirts, a pair of sweats, and for me, a beanie. 

Toni and I laid on the couch with out arms wrapped around each other. We laid there in the peaceful quiet, with a comfortable blanket that Toni's Mum had made us. As Toni laid next to me, I gently caressed her arm and back, I always did when she laid next to me even before we dated, Toni used to lay by me and I'd caress her.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" She asked softly.

"Anything." I responded while looking down at her.

"Did you ever see us together in your future? And by together, I mean by the way we are now. Did you ever think we'd end up together?"


"Yes. I want your honest answer. I won't get mad if you say no, I just want to know what you thought."

"Okay, my answer to your question is, yes, I did see us together in my future, even before I fell in love with you, because I want to keep you in my life forever. I always had the feeling that we'd be more than friends some day."

"That's how I felt." From Toni's tone, it sounded like she was upset, but she had nothing to be upset about, so I just assumed that she was tired.

"I just know we're going to be together forever Toni. You will have my last name soon, even though you're a Styles already."

"And I already feel like one. I'm happy with being with you, Harry."

"And i'm happy with being with you." I said the very second we heard a knock at the door.

Toni & I found it a little strange and peculiar because we weren't expecting anyone and Louis was out with friends. We walked to the door hand-in-had and answered the door. Toni's friend Liam had shown up panting. It was like he was out of breath. Something had obviously gone wrong.

"Liam? What are you doing here?" Toni asked worriedly.

"It's Stella! She's got her friends at the school right now. They're plotting something against you & Harry."

Toni & I looked at each other with our eyes widened. Without saying a word, we both followed Liam to his car, and drove to the school. Whatever Stella was doing had to be stopped.

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