The Start Of The Anniversary

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I woke-up the morning of our four month anniversary and reached over to give Toni a kiss on the cheek. She woke-up and looked over at me and smiled. 

"Happy Birthday!" I said to Toni with a smile. 

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Happy Four Months too." 

"Happy Four Months Harry!" She smiled again.

"Today is going to be special! I have a lot of surprises for you later." I smiled while cuddling Toni in my arms.

"I can't wait. I'm so excited that today is Friday, so I can spend all night with you celebrating." 

"I'm glad too, but you need to get ready for school, and I have to see if your surprise is ready." I said stepping out of bed.

"Alright!" Toni smiled as she stepped out of bed as well.

I started the day off by taking Toni to school. I told her that I wasn't able to take her home because I was going "to be busy" when I was going to be at Darlene's house so I told her that Liam was taking her home to the apartment.

I dropped Toni off at school, kissed her goodbye and drove to Darlene's. Everything I needed was there. The necklaces, the other gift no one knows about, my tuxedo I was planning to wear and so on.

One thing Toni didn't know was that I left her a love note that she would read as soon as she opened her binder in her first class. I wrote her: "On this day, four months ago, I told you that I was in love with you and ever since then I never stopped. I just fall in love with you all over again, and I know that my love for you will never stop. When you get out of school have Liam bring you to your Mum's because I'll be there waiting. Happy 18th Birthday! Happy Four Months! I love you! 


While I waited for Toni to get out of school, I went into Darlene's backyard to make sure everything was perfect, and everything was. I just couldn't wait to see the look on her Toni's face once she got to Darlene's.

Once I saw that everything was perfect, I went upstairs and changed into the tuxedo I had wanted to wear. Being the lovely lady she is, Darlene helped me choose which tuxedo to wear.

After I got into my tuxedo, I came downstairs and asked Darlene how I looked. Though she was like a Mum to me, her opinion meant something to me and I wanted her respect because I'm dating her daughter. If I couldn't have Darlene's respect, then I would not be dating Toni.

My relationship with Darlene was the same way as it was with my Mum. We were close and could tell each other anything. I told Darlene pretty much everything I did with Toni because I wanted her to know how happy Toni & I were. I didn't want her to worry about Toni, so I told her what went on in mine & Toni's relationship.

"Darlene, you know how you said if Toni & I want to go to the next level or went to the next level to tell you?" I asked sitting on the couch beside Darlene.

"Yeah, what about it?" 

"I don't know how Toni feel about telling you, but I feel like you should know."

"Harry, what are you hiding?" Darlene asked looking suspicious. "If you're hiding something from me, you might as well tell me right now."

I took in a huge breath and slowly released it before I could give Darlene my answer. "Darlene, I've had sex with your daughter twice. Before we had done it, Toni & I talked with each other about it and we felt that we were ready and--" Before I could finish, Darlene had cut me off. It terrified me because I thought she was going to get mad at me at first.

"Harry, don't worry." She chuckled. "Thank you for telling me. If you thought I was going to be mad, then consider yourself wrong because I'm not." Darlene said rubbing my back.

I looked at Darlene with a confused look on my face. "You're not?" I felt like she should have been mad at me because I had sex with her daughter.

"No, of course not. I can't stop you or Toni from having sex, well I can't stop you, you're eighteen, can make your own choices and not my actual son, but Toni is my daughter and she's my responsibility even though she is eighteen. Would I like it if she waited until she was married to have sex? Of course, but if she's ready, then she's ready. You two live together, and I'm not there to stop you two from having sex. I just know that Toni is madly , madly, madly in love with you Harry. It's in her eyes. Toni has been in love with you since she was sixteen. She's wanted to do everything with you since forever. Toni wanted you to be her first kiss, her first time, her first date...that's why she never dated anybody else." Darlene explained. "She wanted you to be her first to everything."

"Why didn't she tell me that?" I asked looking at Darlene.

"Because you were dating Stella, but Toni also said that she wrote you a letter that explained everything about how she felt. She said she gave it to Stella one day but I guess Stella never gave it to you."

"Stella never liked Toni! I never understood why though, but I guess the letter doesn't matter much now because I'm dating Toni now, and we both know how we feel about each other. I should have made her my girlfriend instead of Stella because I really love your daughter Darlene. I've never felt like this before. I always have loved her and I always will, that's why I want tonight to be very special!" I explained.

"I know you do, and I love that you care so much about Toni. She's my last baby, and it means the world to me to see her happy, so thank you for everything you've done for my daughter. You're so sweet to her!"

"I'll do anything for Toni, Darlene. She means the world to me."

"That's great to hear. Thank you for being so good to her, Harry." Darlene said as she hugged me. 

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