Storms And Affection

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Two days after our six month anniversary, a storm had occurred in London for the entire day. Nothing but rain, thunder and lightening all day.

The storm didn't bother me at all, I quite enjoyed it actually; Toni didn't mind it during the day, but at night, she was terrified, which I found cute because she would have a reason to cuddle with me, and I loved cuddling her.

I was a bit tired after dinner, so I went into the bedroom to rest while Toni laid out on the couch to relax and called her Mum and sisters. She talked to them everyday since she moved out. 

As I rested, the storm got worse, and I worried about Toni. I was waiting for her to come through the door and lay with me the moment the storm started getting bad.

Around nine-thirty, I head the door open. "Harry, are you awake?" I knew it would be Toni sounding terrified.

"A little bit!" I responded. I turned over to see Toni standing at the door alone. "Did the storm frighten you?" I asked rubbing my eyes. I was lying on my side with my arms folded across my chest.

"Yes it did!" Toni answered.

"Come lay with me so I could protect you." I said as I opened my arms for Toni. She walked over slowly and laid in my arms as soon as I closed them. "I'll protect you darling. I love you." I said the moment I pressed a kiss to her forehead. It was my thing to kiss Toni on her forehead. I always kissed her forehead, it made her smile.

"I love you too." She said back the moment thunder crashed. Toni jumped a bit, and then buried her face in my chest.. Storms frightened Toni ever since her parents divorced. The night her father left after confirming the divorce, a huge storm hit where Toni was living at the time. When ever a storm hit in London, Toni just got hurt and scared because that was all she'd think about during a storm, was her father leaving. "Thank you for protecting me Harry." She whispered.

"I'm always going to protect you. I'm going to protect you from everything." I said the moment I began rubbing her back. "I won't let anything harm you." I added before I kissed her forehead.

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