A Midnight Swim

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Darlene, Spencer and Allie were staying overnight at the hospital so they could have one last night with Lucy though she was already dead. It was just Toni and I at her house. Around midnight, Toni had woken up and so did I. I looked down at her the second she looked up at me. Her beautiful brown eyes were just gorgeous. I wasn't sure if I was the only one, but every time I looked into her eyes, I saw some green in them. She was beautiful. Her loosened curly medium brown hair barely passed her shoulders. Her bangs covered her forehead, but they were evenly cut. Toni just had a beautiful face, and it made her perfect.

"Hi." I smiled while stretching my arms.

"Hi." Toni said back with her angelic voice. Her american accent made me tingle on the inside. Never had I ever thought that I'd ever have a girlfriend from a different country, but I was wrong because I have Toni. 

I looked down at Toni and leaned in to kiss her. I still couldn't believe that she was finally my girlfriend. I looked out the window and into the backyard to see that the pool lights were on in Toni's backyard.

"Do you want to go swimming?" She asked since she saw me looking out the window.

"I kind of do." I nodded.

"Me too." She smiled.

"What would I swim in though? I don't have any swim trunks with me." 

"Harry, I just got rid of my swimsuit because it doesn't fit me, and yet I still swim." Toni chuckled. If she got rid of her swimsuit, then what did she swim in?

"How do you swim then?" I asked.

"I swim in my underwear. I wear two pieces all the time. My underwear is like the same thing. It's not a problem to me."

I raised my eyebrow suspiciously. "So you're telling me I should swim in my boxers?" 

"Why not? Harry, it's not like I've seen your underwear before. I'm not ashamed of seeing you in your underwear." Toni explained.

"I guess if you don't mind, I can swim in my boxers." I smiled. I would do anything for Toni, even if it meant doing the stupidest thing for her.

"Yay" She cheered.

Toni and I ran to her bathroom and grabbed two towels for when we got out of the pool. We then ran downstairs and into her backyard. We stripped down to our underwear and jumped into the pool. Toni started swimming away from me but I caught her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. 

"You're not going to swim away from me." I said between my clenched teeth. I loved the feel of her body fitting into my arms. I was able to cuddle with her whenever I wanted because she was so petite and fragile.

"Ahhh, Harry let go of me." She said with a laugh.

"Why? I can't hold my girlfriend in my arms while I'm swimming with her?" I asked with a smile.

"Not if you want to kiss me." She said. 

I let go of her waist and she turned herself around since I had her back up against my chest. "Now can I wrap my arms around you?" I asked since we were face-to-face. 

"Yes, now you can." Toni smiled as I did so. I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her legs around my waist. 

Toni and I looked each other in the eyes and leaned in to kiss each other. Her wet body was pressed up against mine. There we were, standing in the middle of the pool kissing each other. Though this is odd enough for me to say, I felt like we were in "The Notebook". It was like the when Noah and Allie were making out in the rain and Noah was holding up Allie since her legs were wrapped around him. That's how it was for Toni and I only it wasn't raining. To me this is what love is. It was my first time experiencing what love actually was, because I definitely didn't feel this way with Stella.

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